As the impact of COVID-19 erupts around the world, some countries are in dire need of support.  

In the wake of COVID-19, the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) has launched an appeal to receive donations for some of the most vulnerable countries - Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Somalia and Bangladesh. 

In support of the campaign, a group of students from across the UK have started a campaign called Students 4 Global COVID Aid on Instagram. 

Huw Owen, a DEC representative, said: “We’re thrilled that students from all over the UK have shown so much care and enthusiasm while creating this campaign. I would urge everyone to get behind it and participate in any way they can.” 

Campaign team member Charlotte McLure added: “It’s a weird and worrying time for everybody, but it’s important to remember that in some parts of the world there is no infrastructure to cope with the Coronavirus. 

“Without the vital aid provided by the DEC, lives will be lost and millions will suffer. Please donate if you can, and if you can’t, spread the word!” 

The campaign is urging students to take action and help raise money for the DEC’s appeal. Awareness needs to be spread of how already vulnerable countries will be affected by COVID-19, and that even the younger generation can help.  

What do we mean by vulnerable? 
  • Only half of Yemen’s hospitals are fully functional. 
  • In Haiti, only 900 health institutions are available to its 11 million inhabitants. 
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo only has one lab that can analyse COVID-19 tests. 
  • There are only around 60 ventilators available for the two million people living in Gaza. 

The campaign will mostly take place on Instagram through interactive content, quizzes, and an online challenge: #water5life.

Please visit the Instagram page to learn more about these countries and the travesties they are facing, and to participate and donate to the DEC’s appeal. 

First published: 28 July 2020

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