Forming a Strategy

A social media strategy provides both new and existing social media accounts a framework for effectively using your channels. A strategy saves you time and ensures everyone contributing to your channels are pulling in the same direction. Good strategy now pays dividends as you grow and mature your social media presence. 

Your strategy should include the following: 

  • Social Media Mission 
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Audience
  • Tone of Voice
  • Content
  • Tracking and Reporting
  • Resource 

Here is an outline of  a social media strategy to help you make sure you’ve thought about all of these points.

Social Media Mission

A social media mission statement summarises your reasons, goals and hopeful outcomes for being on social media.


Your audience is the key group of people you want to reach with your social media content.

Social Media Goals and Objectives

Identify three goals - one short term that can be accomplished in the next week, one for 2 months from now and another for 6 months from now. Be as specific as possible.


Brainstorm content ideas and descriptive words / phrases that will assist with a channel tone of voice.

Tracking and Reporting 

There's no wrong answer here. Have a think about what you feel a successful post would be in terms of likes and comments


What does your workflow look like when composing posts or content for social media? Do you have the support you need? What resources do you need?