Dealing with Negative Comments

The open nature of social media can expose you to negative reactions and comments as well as positive.

While it’s tempting to delete negative posts, this is not usually advisable (unless they are very abusive). Deleting comments can often exacerbate situations and in some extreme circumstances can create public relations issues. The first thing you need to do is decide whether you should respond or not. Sometimes leaving the comment is a better option rather than opening up a can of worms. Often you’ll find that your community will respond for you and defuse the situation without you needing to intervene.

It’s a good idea to keep an eye on how conversations develop and intervene or respond accordingly.

Avoid engaging with ‘trolls’ who try to goad reactions. If you’re not sure how to respond to a negative interaction (particularly if it’s of a serious nature) then feel free to contact the Social Media team for support

How to Deal with Online Abuse

Things to do immediately: 

  1. Resist the urge to respond. This will be hard but you need to take time to assess what they are saying and how to act. 
  2. Consider blocking the offending account. Blocking ensures they cannot tweet at you and removes mentions of them from your notifications and also stops networks of trolls being able to target you in the future. 
  3. Switch off app notifications on your mobile. This protects you from exposure to any more troll hate. 
  4. Do not post saying you are being targeted. This will only invite further exposure to troll hate. 
  5. Record - take a screenshot including time, date and sender. 

Things to do next: 

  1. Report to the social media platform. Each of the main platforms has reporting mechanisms Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
  2. Report to your School or the central social media team 
  3. Chat with colleagues if you need more support.  
  4. Take a break from social media.

Top Tips for online safety and privacy

  1. Set strong passwords for social media and email 
  2. Set up 2 step verification on social media and email 
  3. Familiarise yourself with platform privacy settings
  4. You can choose who follows you and what they see

How to have a positive experience online and look after your wellbeing & mental health

Having a positive time online involves cultivating healthy online habits and engaging in activities that uplift and inspire you. Here are some tips to help you have a positive online experience:

  1. Choose positive content: Be selective about the content you consume. Follow social media accounts, websites, and channels that promote positivity, inspiration, and personal growth. Avoid content that is negative, toxic, or drains your energy. Unfollow or mute accounts that annoy you, upset you or take up too much time.
  2. Practise digital detox: Set boundaries on your online time and take breaks from social media and digital devices regularly. Delete social media apps – you don’t need to be on every social media channel. Try deleting one from your phone for a week and see what happens. Set limits to your time on platforms – use apps that limit your time. Set 30 mins/15 mins aside a day or a week.
  3. Be mindful of your online interactions: Treat others with kindness and respect when communicating online. Avoid engaging in or contributing to online arguments, negativity, or bullying. Focus on constructive conversations and seek to understand different perspectives.
  4. Engage in meaningful discussions: Participate in online communities or forums that align with your interests or goals. Contribute positively to discussions, share your knowledge and experiences, and be open to learning from others. Find like minded people who share your passion.
  5. Limit exposure to negative news: While it's essential to stay informed, constant exposure to negative news can impact your mood and well-being. Set boundaries on the amount of news you consume and choose reliable sources that focus on balanced and uplifting content.
  6. Cultivate a supportive online network: Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Engage with friends, communities, or groups that share similar interests or goals. Build relationships with like-minded individuals who encourage positivity and personal growth. Find your crowd – what accounts do people you enjoy following follow? 
  7. Share positivity and gratitude: Spread positivity online by sharing uplifting stories, inspiring quotes, or acts of kindness. Express gratitude for the good things in your life and acknowledge others' contributions. Encouraging and supporting others can create a ripple effect of positivity.
  8. Check in with yourself before you dive in: Is social media going to make me feel better or worse right now? 
  9. Practise online safety: Protect your personal information, use strong passwords, and be cautious while interacting with unfamiliar individuals or websites. Maintain a healthy scepticism and fact-check information before sharing it.
  10. Balance online and offline activities: Remember to maintain a healthy balance between your online and offline life. Prioritise real-life connections, hobbies, spending time with family and friends and self-care activities that contribute to your overall well-being.