Media consent

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The following are considered personal data and are therefore subject to the GDPR:

  • Photographs and video of individuals who are the focus of a shot
  • Audio recordings of individuals
  • Written word of individuals

The regulations require that a person is given explicit and detailed consent for how their data will be used and stored by the University. Signed consent must be obtained. 

Copyright consent

Photographs and video are protected by copyright, which is a type of intellectual property. This means that you will need the permission of the copyright owner(s) if you want to use the video or image in a print or digital publication or share it on the internet. The ownership for a photo can vary, but in many cases it will be the photographer or publisher. Copyright is unlikely to be owned by the person(s) in a photograph, although you will need consent from them under the GDPR.

Media consent form

The Data Protection & FOI Office has created a Privacy notice & media consent form that you can download and adapt for your own specific needs.

Please note: We are unable to provide guidance or approval on GDPR-related queries, you should contact the Data Protection & Freedom of Information Office.