Leverhulme Research Centres 2024

*The 2024 round of the Leverhulme Research Centres call is now closed.*

For this round, the Trust has also indicated a preference for 'applications strongly lead by the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.'

As with the previous rounds in 2021 and 2018, the Leverhulme Trust only accepts a single application as principal applicant and therefore, the University of Glasgow will demand manage applications internally. 

The University of Glasgow may act as a partner in multiple proposals led by other universities. The current round is not open to applications led by the University of Oxford, Imperial College London or the University of Cambridge. However, these institutions may still partner in applications led by other universities.

Applications to this call are through a two-stage process. The internal process and timeline followed at the University of Glasgow is detailed below. 

Internal selection

  •  For the 2024 call, there will no College-level sift in the interest of reducing bureaucracy. Instead, all colleagues who are interested in this call are invited to submit a preliminary, light touch expression of interest via MS Forms by Friday, 01 March 2024, 12:00.
  • An online pitching and feedback session will be held the following Friday, 08 March 2024 between 10:00-12:00. All those who submitted an EoI and/or team members are requested to come along and present their idea as a short 3-to-5-minute pitch. We encourage colleagues to explore avenues for collaboration as we are only allowed a single application as the principal applicant.
  • Once potential collaborations have been explored, we invite colleagues to submit a more detailed internal application form by Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 12:00.
  • An institutional selection panel, chaired by the Vice Principal (Research & Knowledge Exchange) will evaluate these applications by Tuesday, 26 March 2024. A further selection panel will be convened on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 to select the application going forward. 

The detailed timescales for the internal process can be found below.


Given that we are only allowed only application per university as main applicant and also to give applicants the opportunity to pivot from main to partner bids, the timeline for internal selection at the University of Glasgow will be as follows: 



Call opens 

Monday, 05 February 2024

Applicants submit short EoI via MS Forms

Friday, 01 March 2024, 12:00

Online pitching and feedback session

Friday, 08 March 2024; 10:00-12:00

Applicants submit internal application forms (MS Word doc) 

Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 12:00

First institutional panel

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Final Institutional panel to select UofG-led application

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

Outline proposal closes

Friday, 07 June 2024, 12:00

EoI stage - closed

Please use the MS Forms link below to submit your Expression of Interest (now closed).


If you require the EoI form in any other format for accessibility reasons, please get in touch with us at researchinitiatives@glasgow.ac.uk 

Application form

This stage is now complete and the selection panel is due to meet again on 17 April 2024 to select the UofG-led application going forward.

Completed application forms are due on Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at noon. Forms have been distributed in e-mails to everyone who submitted an EoI and participated in the feedback and pitching session on 08 March 2024. There is no requirement for a video pitch. 

Anyone requiring a copy of the form can get in touch at researchinitiatives@glasgow.ac.uk 

Institutional Selection Panel

The institutional selection panel at the University of Glasgow is chaired by Professor Chris Pearce in his capacity as Vice-Principal, Research and Knowledge Exchange. 

Other panel members are:

Professor Dauvit Broun

Professor Sara Carter

Dr Anna de Jong

Professor Gerry Graham

Professor Faye Hammill

Professor Margaret Lucas

Professor Colin Torney



General queries

For any general queries about the demand management of this call at the University of Glasgow, please contact researchinitiatives@glasgow.ac.uk.

All other queries should be directed to the College research office relevant to your area of research.