People & Excellence

Celebrating Achievements in Knowledge Exchange & Innovation

On 21st November 2024, the University will be celebrating people and projects from across the impact spectrum and we are delighted to invite colleagues to join us. 

An awards presentation will be bookended by a celebratory showcase highlighting knowledge exchange (KE) and innovation in all disciplinary areas, and the wealth of specialist professionals who make it possible. 

Showcase & Activities

Our celebratory showcase will highlight staff projects and student enterprise, and expertise from across the KE and innovation spectrum. This event will be the backdrop for showing off achievements, highlighting our expert support system, celebrating our links to place, and drawing attention to all members of the UofG community. The showcase will bookend the presentation of awards, with refreshments throughout. It will feature a programme of activities including lightning talks, videos, tabletop and freestanding displays and more, all around a 'town square' theme that celebrates Glasgow. 


We will be celebrating and recognising impact and success by colleagues and partners from across the institution. We would love to see you nominate teams and colleagues you feel should be recognised for their impact, innovation and knowledge exchange endeavours. Full details on the award categories and how to nominate are given below.

Timings & Register

  • Date: 21 November 2024
  • Venue: ARC Atrium and Conference Suite
  • Sponsored by: Uzma Khan, Vice-Principal Innovation & Economic Development and Professor Chris Pearce, Vice-Principal Research & Knowledge Exchange
  • Timings:
    • Showcase and programme of activities 2pm-3pm
    • Award presentations 3pm-4.30pm
    • Showcase and networking 4.30pm-5.30pm

To attend this celebratory event, please register in advance at our Bookitbee site

If you would like to find out more about the celebration and awards please send enquiries to

Recognition of Staff Champions

We would like to take this opportunity to solicit input from researchers who wish to celebrate the professional staff who support knowledge exchange, engagement, innovation and impact across the University.

We are inviting submissions from academics to relate their experiences with professional staff who have made critical contributions to their knowledge exchange and innovation journey. We want to hear how they made a difference to you, your team or your project. We are working on compiling 'a wall of celebration' that will be  displayed at the event.

For all input complete the EoI Staff Recognition Form.

Return your completed form to by the extended deadline of 31st of October 2024. 

Award categories

We hope that you will take the time to nominate teams and colleagues who inspire you or to nominate your own projects for the following award categories. Impact takes many forms and it is vital that we value all impact-generating endeavours from across the University, taking the time to celebrate and recognise achievements in knowledge exchange and innovation. The deadline for all applications and nominations is 23rd September 2024.

Lifetime Innovators - College nominations only

This award recognises accomplished, long-term staff with significant track records over time delivering meaningful innovation across the impact spectrum, from technological to policy, creative practice and social innovations. It recognises their development of innovative solutions and long-term positive impacts that improve lives, contribute to prosperity and address community needs. It is envisaged that one to two (maximum) academics will be recognised each year.

Please note that this is not an open-call category. Gender-inclusive nominations will be requested from the Colleges (agreed nominations from Deans of Research and/or External Engagement and Heads of College).

Nominations will be evaluated on:

  • Narrative: what is the nominee’s story, their role/history at the University of Glasgow, and how does the title of ‘lifetime innovator’ fit with their career?
  • Achievements in innovation across the impact spectrum, not limited to success, profitability or benefits delivered via spin-outs, license deals or patents, but also innovation via a demonstrable history of impact via health interventions, social policy solutions, cultural or educational or creative innovations.
  • Demonstration of the following attributes: creativity, leadership, clear response to need or gap (in market, practice, policy, understanding etc) and, if applicable, resilience in overcoming challenges.
  • Reach: how the nominee has excelled and made a difference through the opportunities created via their innovative thinking.

Spin-out of the Year - open call

This award recognises high-performing commercial or social enterprise spin-outs from University of Glasgow research. The spin-out/social enterprise applying/being nominated must have been active within the last 12 months. 

This is an open-call category. Applications and nominations will be evaluated on:  

  • Nature, development, set up, and importance of a distinct commercial or social venture - why was it created? What needs, interests or market gap does it respond to? 
  • How impactful is the company’s offer? How beneficial are the products/services and the potential scale of their impact? This should be demonstrable. 
  • Degree of innovation: how innovative/disruptive/unique is the core idea underpinning the enterprise?
  • Indicators of investment raised by the spin-out along with proof of a financially sustainable business model that addresses current market opportunities or gaps and has the potential to create employment. 
  • Level of contribution from UofG-led research to the development of the spin-out. 
  • Level of activity from UofG researchers in the founding of the company, i.e. in terms of continuous active involvement and helping to raise investment. 
  • Depth and breadth of partnerships between academic and non-academic partners, if any: what relationships have been built, supported, or enabled (internally or externally)? What have they achieved and what is the mutual benefit of the partnership? 
  • Contribution of the spin-out to the local economy and ties to Scotland. 
  • Public visibility of the company as well as evidence of relevant skills, contacts, mentors, and industry knowledge. 
  • Commitment to EDI values and alignment with relevant UN SDGs. 
  • Where applicable, resilience and creativity in problem-solving. 

To submit an application or to nominate a spin-out or social enterprise, please complete the Spin-out of the Year Application and consent form. The deadline for submissions is 23rd September 2024.

Please return forms to 

Student Start-up of the Year - open call

This award recognises commercial or social enterprises established by University of Glasgow students. 

 This is an open-call category. Applications and nominations will be evaluated on:  

  • Nature, development, set up, and importance of a start-up developed by students who are currently enrolled at the University of Glasgow or graduated in or after 2023: why was it created? What needs, interests or market gap does it respond to? 
  • How impactful or potentially impactful is the enterprise? How beneficial or successful are the products or services offered or what is their potential? This should be demonstrable. 
  • Degree of innovation: how innovative/disruptive/unique is the idea behind the start-up's offering? 
  • Proof of an investable, financially sustainable business model that addresses current market opportunities or gaps and has the potential to create employment. 
  • Contribution of the enterprise to the local economy and ties to Scotland or evidence of its potential contribution in this area. 
  • Evidence of relevant skills, contacts, industry knowledge and, if relevant, mentors involved in the start-up. 
  • Where applicable, resilience and creativity in problem-solving. 
  • The start-up should have been active within the last 12 months. 

To submit an application or a nomination, please complete the Student Start-up of the Year Application and consent forms available here. The deadline for submissions is 23rd September 2024.

Please return forms to

Positive Contribution to Place-making - open call

This is an open call category. We are seeking applications from and nominations for projects that have a positive impact on people’s lives within a defined community, underpinned by a collaborative approach to placemaking. Communities may be local, for instance within the Glasgow Riverside Innovation District (GRID), wider city, or further afield.  

Placemaking is a community-centric, often grassroots approach to improve a neighbourhood, city, or region. It is hallmarked by creative reimagining of community spaces to strengthen connections with the people who live in and use them.  

This prize category is intended to recognise Community-University partnership activities that are rooted in this placemaking ethos and demonstrate a positive impact. Impacts may span a range of benefits, for example improving the quality of public spaces, health and wellbeing, happiness, social and cultural enrichment or skills and job prospects. 

Applications and nominations should be made with the full knowledge and support of any community partners involved. 

Sponsored by the Glasgow Riverside Innovation District. 

What we’re looking for: Projects that demonstrate a community-centred, sustained approach that have led or are leading to tangible social, civic or community benefit to those living within the GRID areas, in greater Glasgow or further afield. Projects should involve UofG staff and community partners rather than individuals. (Application submission to be made by project participant from UofG, for ease of process, communications etc.)

What we’re not looking for: One-off events or interventions.

Criteria: Positive contribution to place-making award are available here. 

Positive Contribution to Place-making Award application and consent form are available here. 

Please return forms to by no later than 23rd September 2024. 

Glasgow Changing Futures Award - open call

This category is an open call for projects or teams that embody the spirit of Glasgow Changing Futures.

This award will recognise collaborative teams – cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral – rather than an individual that are making meaningful contributions, with impact or potential for impact in areas of sustainability and net zero; societal and health inequalities; or other global/societal challenges.  

Projects/Teams applying to or nominated in this category should demonstrate constructive and successful knowledge exchange, co-creation, development and delivery strategies and processes with partner(s) from any sector. 

Applications and nominations will be evaluated on: 

  • Importance and focus of the project/team: what challenge(s) does the project/team address and how does it respond to them? 
  • Nature, development, and set up of the project/team: demonstrate that the project/team is underpinned by research and innovation taking place at the University of Glasgow. 
  • Depth and breadth of partnerships and collaborative relationships between academic and non-academic partners: what relationships have been built, supported, or enabled (internally or externally)? What have they achieved and what is the mutual benefit of these partnerships? How do these collaborative relationships centre dialogue and co-creation as integral elements towards finding impactful interventions? 
  • Application of EDI values and sustainable practices: demonstrate that the project/team works together with a commitment to integrity, responsibility, and equity. Highlight, where appropriate, alignment of activities with relevant Sustainable Development Goals. 
  • Demonstrable impact of the project/team outputs and outcomes to stakeholders: providing evidence and/or anticipated evidence where possible. 
  • Creativity: demonstrate creative approaches and, if applicable, resilience in problem-solving. Highlight how diverse perspectives have shaped inclusive methodologies and, where appropriate, interventions. 
  • Active within the last 12 months. 

To submit an application or a nomination, please complete the Glasgow Changing Futures Awards Application and Consent Form available here. The deadline for submissions is 23rd Septemeber 2024.

Please return forms to 

Rising Stars - College nominations only

There will be one award per College for a research staff member considered to be at an early stage in their research independence and academic career but demonstrates a consistent pattern of engagement, knowledge exchange, communication and collaboration with groups or individuals beyond the University.

This award seeks to draw attention to the outstanding achievements and contributions of emerging talents fostered at the University of Glasgow who are an inspiration for future project leads and are expected to continue growing in their knowledge exchange and impact journeys. 

Please note that this is not an open-call category. A maximum of two gender-inclusive nominations from each College will be requested. 

Nominations will be evaluated on:  

  • Track record of activities so far, underpinned by or emerging from their research. 
  • Focus and outcomes/impacts of the activities undertaken so far and/or potential to generate impactful outcomes. 
  • What type or range of partnerships and collaborative relationships with non-academic partners has the nominee fostered?
  • Commitment to values of equality, diversity and inclusivity and, where applicable, sustainable practices, as well as resilience and creativity in problem-solving. 
  • Evidence of relevant skills, contacts, mentors, and understanding of external partners.