Internal funding schemes for international partnership: applications open

I am pleased to announce the launch of three separate calls for applications which are open to University of Glasgow colleagues to collaborate with the University’s international partners.

We are opening applications for the International Partnership Development Fund, the Early Career Mobility Scheme, and a brand-new initiative in response to the UK’s association to Horizon Europe – the Horizon Europe Network Seed Fund.

More details on all of these separate funding mechanisms can be found on their respective web pages below:

Horizon Europe Network Seed Fund (initial closing date 1 February 2024) – seed funding which covers staff mobility and hosting costs for the development of research projects that will include European network partners (the Guild and CIVIS) and will lead to a Horizon Europe grant application.

Early Career Mobility Scheme (closing date 16 January 2024)– mobility funding for early career researchers (within ten years of defending their PhD) to spend time with our partners at McGill University, Hong Kong University and the Smithsonian Institute.

International Partnership Development Fund (closing date 1 February 2024)– staff mobility funding for the development of new partnerships, with a requirement for match funding from school/College level.

All three funds provide the opportunity to advance the University’s Global Glasgow strategic objectives of establishing and deepening connections and building research networks, exploring joint learning and teaching opportunities, and raising the profile of our institution globally. 

 This central funding is being made available for new activity that would not be supported by existing budgets. All three funds target and support different activities and therefore have quite different eligibility criteria and application deadlines – applicants will need to refer to the guidelines to establish relevance to them.

I encourage applications from those who would benefit from, and could meaningfully contribute to, the delivery of the Global Glasgow 2025 strategy.

Full details of the different calls, the eligibility criteria and application process can be found on the Internationalisation web pages.

Rachel Sandison

Deputy Vice Chancellor - External Engagement and Vice Principal - External Relations

First published: 22 January 2024

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