International resit exam

The option to apply for an International Resit Examination will re-open for 2024/25 to University of Glasgow students on Monday 2 June 2025.  Applications must be submitted by Friday 27 June 2025

Overseas examinations requests

Students should send their request by email to from 2 June 2025 and we will email you an application form to be completed and returned to us. This details all of the information we require to process your request.
Before students apply they are asked to check the below eligibility requirements.

For international students:

  • They are enrolled to resit examinations in August 2025;
  • They have provided an application before the deadline of Friday 27 June 2025; and
  • They have completed the form correctly.

If the student is an ordinary resident of the UK, They may apply for international exam arrangements, but only under exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional circumstances are:

  • Bereavement;
  • Serious medical grounds; or
  • Work commitments that are part an official work placement as required by your course.

All International Resit Applications made by ordinary residents of the UK will require the approval of the Clerk of Senate as well as the appropriate Head of School. Registry will seek approval after the completed application has been submitted.

All requests must be made by prior to the deadline in order for these arrangements to be made. Registry is unable to accept any applications after this date.

Examinations arrangements

Registry will arrange the overseas exam on behalf of the student. This would normally take place at a British Council Office. Registry will then proceed with confirming arrangements with the venue and the student. Exams will take place at the same time as they are being held in the UK or with an overlap.

Some countries can be difficult to organise particularly those with a time difference of +/- 4 hours GMT.

If there is no venue available, we will ask the student for assistance in securing a local venue and these details are passed to the Clerk of Senate to approve the location on behalf of the University. If approval is granted, we will proceed with the arrangements.


All students sitting an exam overseas will pay a fee of £100 per examination prior to the deadline. In addition to this fee, any charges, including postage, made by the overseas examination centre will be payable by the student.

Registry does not guarantee that we can make international resit arrangement for every student.

Registry is only involved in this process for the resit examinations diet. We are available to assist any member of staff throughout the year and this can be done by contacting the exams team on Ext. 8039.