Managing Probation - Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I note the formal probation meetings?

Last updated: Thu Aug 22 12:11

All managers with new colleagues eligible to complete Probation will receive an email inviting them to access the automatically generated Probation Form via the University Helpdesk system. This should be used by managers and new colleagues to guide and record the discussion at all formal meetings.

The form should note the agreed objectives, performance standards, training needs and any support/adjustments required.

The manager is responsible for updating throughout the formal probation meetings though there is space provided for colleagues to add comments.

Following completion of the probationary period, and subject to completion of the mandatory training courses, the form should be signed off by the manager which in turn will submit the contents to the People and Organisational Development Shared Services Team. 


For further information please see the Managing Probation Policy.

When should probation meetings take place?

Last updated: Thu Aug 22 12:13

The probation period (except for irregular hours colleagues) typically consists of the following structured meetings, with informal discussion taking place around these as required:
  • Induction Meeting

  • First Review Meeting (2 Months)

  • Second Review Meeting (3 - 4 Months)

  • Final Review Meeting (Month 6 - before probation end date).

How do I create a new Probation form?

Last updated: Thu Aug 22 12:08

Line managers of new colleagues can access the automatically generated Probation Form via the University Helpdesk.

How do I confirm an employee as having successfully completed their probation period?

Last updated: Thu Aug 22 12:15

Where satisfactory performance is demonstrated throughout the probation period, managers should hold a final review meeting in the normal way and record the outcome on the online form.

Upon sign-off the form should then be returned to the appropriate local People and Organisational Development Team who will confirm the colleague's successful probation. Colleagues will be notified via email of having successfully completed their probation period.

For further information please see the Managing Probation Policy.

How long does the probation period last for?

Last updated: Tue Apr 2 18:45

The probation period lasts for a minimum of 6 months from the date of appointment but may be extended in exceptional circumstances. Extensions would typically go beyond a further 3 months, making the probation period a maximum of 9 months.

My employee has not been successful in their probation period, what is the next step?

Last updated: Thu Aug 22 12:14

The employee should be invited to a more structured final review meeting and should be made aware that dismissal is a possible outcome of the meeting. Please contact your local People and Organisational Development team for advice in such circumstances.