Paternity Leave - Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my baby is born early?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:40

It is recognised that the timing of Paternity Leave cannot be fully predicted. As much notice as possible should be given to the relevant manager of the likely or actual dates to be taken. If leave must start earlier than expected (e.g. due to an earlier birth), then the line manager should be informed as soon as reasonably possible.

Do I need to take my Paternity Leave in consecutive weeks?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:40

Paternity leave must be taken in one go. If just one week is taken, another week cannot be taken at a later date.

How much Paternity Leave am I entitled to?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:39

Employees are entitled to two full weeks of Paternity Leave, on full pay.

When can I start my Paternity Leave?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:39

Employees may commence their paternity leave any time from the date of the birth/placement of their child.

Will I still accrue holidays whilst I am on paternity leave?

Last updated: Wed Mar 20 8:29

Annual leave and public holidays/'other days' entitlements will continue to accrue whilst you are on paternity leave.

How much Paternity pay am I entitled to?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:39

The University offers Enhanced Paternity Pay which exceeds the statutory provision by providing full pay for the full two weeks of Paternity Leave.

How long do I have to take my Paternity Leave?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:39

Paternity leave must be completed within 8 weeks following the birth/placement.

How do I request Paternity Leave?

Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:39

You should enter your request for Paternity Leave through the Employee 

Self Service Portal

 (via the 'Book Time Off' button).