What support is available to staff with caring responsibilities?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:36

The Carer Support Portal provides an overview of available support, both internal and external alongside relevant policies including the University's Support for Staff with Caring Responsibilities policy

Available support includes the provision of additional paid carers leave and paid 'Emergency Time off to Care for Dependants Leave' for eligible colleagues as well as a range of signposting to other support mechanisms.

What is the definition of a carer under the carers policy for staff?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:36

Under the University's Support for Staff with Caring Responsibilities policy a carer is defined as an individual who provides support to a dependant who is affected by long-term physical or mental illness or disability, addiction or problems relating to old age.

A dependant will typically be a:

  • Spouse

  • Partner

  • Parent/parent-in-law

  • Grandparent

  • Civil partner

  • Disabled child of the employee

  • Any adult who lives with the employee as part of their family and whom is dependent on the employee anyone for whom the employee holds power of attorney

Caring responsibilities can include, but are not limited to:

  • Helping with personal care 

  • Helping with mobility 

  • Managing medication 

  • Carrying out practical household tasks 

  • Providing emotional support

  • Helping with financial matters or paperwork

How does Carers Leave work?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:36

Eligible staff may request up to 5 days paid Carers Leave (then up to 4 weeks unpaid leave). This is subject to eligibility and the University maintains a Carers Register which staff must opt-in to in order to utilise carers leave.

In addition, and depending on the circumstances, colleagues may also benefit from up to 3 days paid 'Emergency Time Off to Care for Dependants' Leave.

Further information is available in the Support for Staff with Caring Responsibilities policy.