Qlik Migration Project FAQs


When will Qlik be turned off?

Qlik licensing expires in November 2024 and will not be renewed. Some Qlik dashboards will be turned off prior to this date if the Power BI replacement is available. This will be communicated to users of each dashboard. 


I'm a dashboard user - do I need to do anything?

No. You will receive further communications about the new dashboard launch, training support and further information nearer the time that the new dashboard launches. You can find a timeline of estimated dashboard launches here: Upcoming Data Releases


When will the new Power BI dashboards be launched?

Please see the timeline on this webpage for an estimated launch date for all migrating dashboards. If your dashboard is not being migrated please log an Ivanti call here: Help Desk Request and clearly state which dashboard the query is in relation to.


Will my permissions/access carry over to Power BI?

Yes, the access you have to QlikView and Qlik Sense dashboards will be carried over to the Power BI equivalents.


Will training be provided on Power BI?

We hope that you find the new dashboards intuitive to use.  Familiarisation will be provided on a dashboard-by-dashboard basis. Demonstration and familiarisation sessions will be organised and you will be contacted about how to join these once the dashboard migration has taken place.  


I don't/My colleague doesn't have access to this Qlik dashboard, how can I request it?

If you know of colleagues who wish to access a Qlik dashboard, please advise them that they can request access via Ivanti here: Help Desk Request.


Will the data in Power BI be updated at the same frequency as it is in Qlik?

Yes, the new Power BI dashboards will use the same underlying data sets and same refresh frequencies as existing products. 


If you're migrating the dashboard, can I suggest some changes?

The migration work is following a ‘lift and shift’ approach, ensuring that the existing functionality remains available in the new Power BI interface. There will also be some design and usability improvements made during the process.  

Suggestions and feedback on further development, new features, additional functionality will be gathered during the testing phases, however the priority at present is on ensuring business as usual can continue. 


I can't see my dashboard in the list of dashboards that are part of core analytics suite. Why is that?

We've been working with stakeholders to identify and agree a suite of core analytics products. 


Why has student-level data been removed?

A number of Qlik dashboards make student-level data available to users in table format (for example, the Student Headcount model in QlikView). Under UK GDPR, this level of access to individualised data is not appropriate for the broad UofG audience who will be able to use the replacement dashboards in Power BI.

Our original plan was to direct users to BI-Query for student-level information. However, BI-Query now needs urgently to be removed for information security reasons, and we need to deliver an alternative at pace. This will likely be a combination of operational reports in main business systems supplemented by simple query tools in Power BI. These interim solutions will be delivered as a separate strand of development to the Qlik migration covered in this paper.

Removing individual student data from widely accessed dashboards will have an impact on established operational processes. We know about some of these from stakeholder consultation, but are mindful that we may not have spoken to everybody concerned.

If you are aware of any processes that have a dependency on individual student data accessed or downloaded via a QlikView or Qlik Sense dashboard, please flag this as soon as possible to Help Desk Request


Who can I contact for more information?

If you have a particular request or question please make a Help Desk Request