Contact Details for Pay & Pensions

Payroll, Pensions & PAYE Tax Compliance

Responsibilities in this area are divided between the following 3 teams:

Heads of Department


Head of Pay & Pensions Jim Ross  
Deputy Head of Pay & Pensions Lesley Murphy  


The Payroll & Pensions Team


Responsible for accurate, regular and timeous payments to University staff (and UGPS pensioners) taking account of the requirement to make statutory and non-statutory deductions from these payments where appropriate. If you need help with your pay then contact us as below and please see our FAQ's where you will find helpful information and answers to commonly asked questions.

Contact the Pay & Pensions Team: Raise A Helpdesk Enquiry Here  
Call The Pay & Pensions Team: 0141 330 4400 - 0141 330 6515  
Pay & Pensions Administrators:    
Wendy McParland    
Raluca Stoican    
Sonali Perera    
Felicity Cooper    
Joyce Kerr    
Nicola Ormiston     
Kelly Merilees    
Pay & Pensions Team Leaders:    
Claire MacLachlan   Ext: 2832
Sonia Bakshi   Ext: 2832


Pay Control Section & Expenses

Ensuring that the University complies with its Year-End reporting responsibility to HMRC and the DWP. Preparation of Pension Scheme accounts and Reconciliation of payroll bank and suspense accounts. 

First point of contact for expenses. 


Contact the Pay Control team Raise A Helpdesk Enquiry Here    
Pay Control Supervisor Chelsey Cathcart    
Pay Control Administrator Kay Dickson    
Pay Control Administrator  Udaya Krishnanunni    



Please click the link here: FAQ to find the answers to your questions and to access helpful information regarding your Pay and Pension