The University has launched a new Student Contract – a legally binding contract between students and the University. It is formed when students accept an offer of a place on a programme or course, whether taught or research-based.students on campus 650

Previously, the legally binding rights and obligations - or terms and conditions - which made up a student’s contract were contained in a number of documents, in particular the offer letter, variousUniversity policies and the University Calendar, which contains the University’s academic regulations. 

However, to improve accessibility and transparency, the University has gathered the various rights and obligations into one single student contract document.

Professor Frank Coton, Vice-Principal (Academic & Educational Innovation), who led the University’s Ethical Use of Student Data Working Group which drew up the Student Contract, said: “The Student Contract is very important because it sets out every student’s rights and obligations and at the same time, the University’s rights and obligations. It is a partnership. These rights and obligations on both sides are the same as before but the contract makes them clearer, ensuring that students are better informed. This is in everyone’s interests.”

This year, students have been “signing up” to the contract online as part of their academic registration and this will continue to be the case in the years to come.

Professor Coton added: “Most of us just tick the box every time we agree to Ts and Cs online or on our phone. We want our students to be as well-informed as possible and so we have worked hard to make this document clear so I hope students will take the time to read it properly.”

The contract includes information about various fees and sets the standards that students can expect from the University – and the behaviour and academic standards the University expects from students.

First published: 3 September 2018