To mark World Refugee Day (Monday 20th June), the University held a ceremony at the Memorial Gate to symbolise solidarity with Ukraine and all those seeking sanctuary.

Rachel Sandison speaking at World Refugee Day ceremony

Rachel Sandison (right) speaking at the ceremony

During the ceremony, members of the University community gathered to re-plant sunflower seedlings from the Vigil held in May of this year. Rachel Sandison, Refugee & Asylum Seeker Champion, Vice Principal (External Relations & Deputy Vice Chancellor, External Engagement) shared words about the University’s response and Professor Alison Phipps, UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts performed a reading on protecting refugees/non-combatants in war. Rev Dr Carolyn Kelly closed the ceremony with a reading.

Flowers planted for World Refugee Day

Sunflower seedlings re-planted during the ceremony

First published: 17 June 2022