In the interests of supporting the reproducibility and transparency of research, authors should make it clear to readers whether there are any data underpinning their research and where those data can be found. This can be done by including a data statement, sometimes called a data accessibility or data availability statement. A data statement should be included in all published work, including theses.

A data statement explains where the data can be found and the terms under which it can be accessed. Where a record for a dataset is available, the data statement should include a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which directs readers to a record for the dataset in a repository. This way, a dataset can be cited correctly even if the data themselves are not suitable for sharing.

If no data were used in the preparation of an article, or the data are inaccessible, a data accessibility statement should indicate this. Reviewers and readers increasingly expect to see a data access statement, and you can save readers from fruitlessly looking for data with a simple line of text.

Here are some example data statements:

“The data supporting the findings reported in this paper are openly available from the [insert name of repository] repository at [insert DOI].”

“Due to ethical concerns, supporting data cannot be made openly available. Further information about the data and conditions for access are available from the [insert repository name] repository at [insert DOI].”

“No data were created or analysed in this study”

More examples can be found in our guidance document here:

Publications that acknowledge awards from UKRI must include data statements. Please note that an instruction to contact the author directly would not be considered acceptable by most research funders – authors should create a record for a dataset in an appropriate repository and direct readers there.

Journal or publisher guidance for authors should indicate the format and placement of a data access statement. If no ‘Data access’ or ‘Data availability’ section is specified, we suggest placing your statement in the ‘Acknowledgements’ section.

If you have any questions on data statements, the University’s approach to open research, or funder and publisher policies, please get in touch at

First published: 20 July 2022