Dear Colleagues,

Further to our communication of 26 April in relation to the USS valuation, we are writing to remind you of the UUK Consultation Webinars scheduled to take place over the next week or so. We would strongly encourage you to attend one of the webinars as it is imperative that we consult with you to ensure that your views are considered and inform the consultation over the Scheme’s future. We have included a simple guide to the USS Pension Scheme Consultation for those of you who are unable to attend one of the sessions, this is intended to provide you with valuable information and may assist your understanding of the relevant issues. This will also be available on the pension webpages from tomorrow for your convenience.

As way of a reminder the webinars will be held on the 6, 7 & 12 May; details and registration can be found on our Eventbrite page by clicking here, registration for these events closes today.

We would also kindly request that eligible members of USS complete this short online questionnaire to help us understand your views on the proposed changes to the scheme and the alternative options under consideration. You may find your attendance at one of the webinars useful in advance of completing the questionnaire prior to submitting your response. The questionnaire will be accessible until 14th May.

Your responses to the questionnaire will help inform our institutional response, together with those from other universities, to inform discussions that will take place between UUK and UCU through the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) on proposed changes to the scheme and how any increase in contribution rates should be met.

We will continue to share information with scheme members and campus trade unions in an open and transparent way and to provide regular updates, briefings and workplace events.

You can find out more about the USS valuation on the USS website at

Yours sincerely


Christine Barr                                                 Gregor Caldow

Executive Director of People & OD            Executive Director of Finance

First published: 4 May 2021