Dear Colleagues, 

A little over two years ago, the University began a consultation to develop a new strategy to succeed ‘Inspiring People, Changing the World (2015-2020)’.  

As we’re all acutely aware, since then our world has changed significantly. We’ve had to learn how to work together while physically distancing and we’ve established and developed international partnerships, despite our changing relationship with the rest of Europe.  

The achievements of our community over this period have been truly inspirational and we are mindful of the enormous sacrifices and contributions that have made this possible.  

Our strategy plays a key and often unseen role in how the University navigates times of crisis. It brings our community together, ensuring we share a common vision and mission. It also allows us to consider the longer-term needs of the organisation and aligns us to meet them, including the changing requirements and expectations of our community. 

Our new strategy ‘World Changers Together’ was approved by Court and shared with Senate at the end of 2020 and will be published on 6 April, following the Easter break. It will ensure we are equipped to navigate our way through whatever the future holds.  

New University Values 

Ahead of the launch of the Strategy itself, I wanted to take this opportunity to familiarise all colleagues with our new University Values, which have been designed in consultation with people from across our organisation, shaped by SMG, and will play a central role in how we all work together.  

Our Values are: 

  • Ambition and Excellence
  • Curiosity and Discovery
  • Integrity and Truth
  • An Inclusive Community

Our new Values build on the ‘Three Ps’, Passionate, Professional, Progressive, featured in our previous strategy and outline how we can strive for ‘Ambition and Excellence’ in everything we do through a common approach. 

 In practice, they mean we strive for Ambition and Excellence through our ‘Curiosity and Discovery’ which is grounded in ‘Integrity and Truth’ and seeking to build and work as part of an ‘Inclusive Community’. 

Our focus on Values places our people at the heart of our strategic approach, and puts an emphasis on creating inclusive, supportive and ambitious communities to deliver our mission and purpose. Each of the Values is aligned to the behavioural expectations we have of us all and designed to support a culture of Ambition and Excellence across the institution.  

You can learn more about the new University Values online – I’d encourage you to read about them when you can and consider how they apply to your role at the University.  

Over the coming weeks, please look out for more information about the Values and of course the new University Strategy, and if you have any questions or feedback please contact

Thank you and best wishes,  

Prof Neal Juster  

Senior Vice-Principal and Deputy Vice Chancellor 

First published: 25 March 2021