The University of Glasgow was founded for the benefit of the city and its people. We are proud to showcase the University’s civic engagement on our new webpages, ‘Glasgow. Our city. Our partner.’

Over the last few months, we have been gathering stories which illustrate the breadth of engagement and impact our staff and students have across the city. Working in partnerships with companies, organisations and charities they have co-designed solutions, which have created lasting impact and opportunity for the people of Glasgow and beyond.

In response to the pandemic, relationships between the University and its key partners in the Glasgow city region have become closer and deeper. Where we can contribute to shared objectives – innovating to improve wellbeing, tackle inequality, address climate change and boost productivity – we are working with others in the city and beyond to make a difference.

Staff members in front of welcome sign in Berryhill Primary and Nursery

The new webpages are just the start of a wider range of Civic Engagement activities led by Des McNulty, Assistant Vice Principal (Economic Development and Civic Engagement).

Speaking about the website Des said “The stories we have gathered so far show the breadth of civic engagement undertaken at Glasgow. They demonstrate impacts in health, the economy and education. It is fantastic to see that sustainability is a strong theme which runs through many of our partnership projects.”

 “We know that the University is strongly connected to the city but now we can shine a light on the excellent work being undertaken. We have many more stories that we will be adding in the coming months. I hope that by making accessible these stories we will inspire and encourage staff and students to make their own contribution by developing partnerships such as those being celebrated.”

If you have a project which you would like to showcase on our civic engagement webpages, please contact

First published: 12 February 2021