New guidelines have been released showing students how to easily book and access study space on campus during the first semester of the new academic year. There are four different types of space available.

Large study spaces

All of our large study spaces are configured for individual study.

  • Main Library (850 spaces): Access is managed via the turnstiles and ID cards, with a live feed of available spaces published via the UofG Life app.
  • Macmillan Reading Room (70 spaces): This is an open access, non-bookable space supported by the Reach Out team.

The following are open access, non-bookable spaces supported by the Reach Out team. Each location will have a Salto card reader installed at the entry point and students will be encouraged to tap their ID card on entry, thus gathering data in support of any tracing which may be required.

  • Hunter Halls (84 spaces)
  • the gym in the St Andrew’s Building (20 spaces)
  • Kelvin Gallery, if required (70 spaces)

Hourly reporting of the ‘busyness’ of each of the open access spaces will be captured and displayed to students.

Small study spaces

A number of centrally managed teaching rooms which have a revised capacity of fewer than five have been designated as study spaces and support both individual and small group study. Students can view availability and book these spaces through the UofG Life app.

Students will be encouraged to form small study groups or 'learning communities' to take advantage of the opportunity to study together in these spaces

Informal study space

The Senate Room will provide an informal social study space, equipped with more relaxed seating. It is an open access space and again, a Salto reader will be installed and the Reach Out team will support use of the space.

All of our catering outlets can be used as informal study space, particularly outwith the (usually) busy lunchtime period. This includes the Ferguson Room, in which a number of ‘learning cafes’ will be hosted in the afternoons.

School-managed spaces

A number of schools are making locally managed space available to their own students for study, group or project work. The specific arrangements for these spaces are managed by the schools, who will be responsible for communicating this to their students.

All of the arrangements above will be kept under review with the option to add additional space, depending on demand.

First published: 9 October 2020