Professor Chris Pearce, Vice Principal for Research, is pleased to announce the launch of the University’s Research Strategy 2020–25.

The research strategy has a simple message: that we will succeed both as individuals and as a university by working in teams, building on each other’s ideas, and supporting the careers of those around us.

Speaking about the strategy, Professor Chris Pearce says “The external environment is changing rapidly: vastly increased investment in R&D will give us more opportunities to grow knowledge and benefit society. We will meet these changing demands through our ability to adapt — which we have demonstrated so well during the lockdown — and by working as a community. Importantly, our strategy also reinforces our previous commitment to create a supportive environment in which our research staff and students can come together and share ideas.”

The strategy, which is centred around three key pillars — collaboration, creativity, and careers — builds naturally on the work done over the past strategic cycle to value the quality of what we do over its quantity, and recognise different contributions to research.

Dr Tanita Casci, Head of Research Policy, says “Big research questions need diverse ways of thinking and working. This strategy will value those who work together and who advance the careers of others. Improving our research culture does not mean compromising on quality. The bar will be as high as ever, but it will allow more of us to succeed.”

The Research Hub, which will open in 2022, will be crucial for delivering the priorities of the strategy. Professor Andrew Tobin, Director of the Research Hub, reinforces this message: “The Hub will be a home for all research at Glasgow, by providing physical spaces to build collaborations and offer an opportunity to experiment with new ways of doing research. By creating spaces to grow ideas, the Hub will support the development of the next generation of researchers”.

The research strategy will be implemented in partnership with the Colleges, and refined in consultation with the research community, thus putting into practice our commitment to involve more colleagues in institutional decision-making.

Research Strategy 2020-25

There are a limited number of hard copies of the strategy available. These will be distributed to Colleges, Schools and Institutes once we are back on campus fully.

First published: 9 October 2020