The University is pleased to announce an exciting collaboration between SOCIAL AI CDT and the Research Hub for the development of space for students and researchers to engage in experiments between humans and artificial agents.

SOCIAL, based at the University, is the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Socially Intelligent Artificial Agents and is responsible for training the next generation of experts in artificial social intelligence.

The space will be split into two areas, an operation area where students and researchers will plan and analyse data; and an experimental area, where experiments and data collection take place.

“I am very excited to announce that we will have a base in the Research Hub,” says Professor Alessandro Vinciarelli, Director of SOCIAL CDT. “It will provide us with flexible space to advance research on artificial agents and to test interactive systems. The proximity to the virtual reality suite will be hugely beneficial to our research and our students.”

Opportunities for collaboration and engagement

At its core, the Research Hub is a space designed to encourage collaboration. It will be an important space for research and innovation at UofG, creating greater opportunities for collaborative research, learning and public engagement to take place.

The Research Hub will provide a space for researchers and students from SOCIAL AI CDT to connect with potential collaborators from across the University, as well as providing easier access to complimentary research disciplines housed within the building.

Professor Stacy Marsella, Co-Director of SOCIAL AI CDT, reinforces the importance of collaboration. “To broaden the positive impact of AI on us, we need AI systems that can effectively interact with us,” he says. “This will require a trans-disciplinary effort across computer and social sciences. The focus of the SOCIAL AI CDT is to train the next generation of researcher capable of bridging this disciplinary divide.”

The space will also provide new opportunities for public engagement and the development of external partnerships.

Dr Monika Harvey, Co-Director of SOCIAL AI CDT, is looking forward to exploring the opportunities the space presents. “The Research Hub will provide us with the space to host interactive events and activities for students, researchers, the public and partners,” she says. “We are already planning a series of training events and seminars, some topic independent and some which will explore artificial intelligence in more detail, that will be accessible to all. This gives us an opportunity to connect with the wider University community, learn from other disciplines, share ideas and be creative.”

Aerial view of the Research Hub in midconstruction

First published: 5 November 2020