The ongoing situation is not surprisingly proving difficult for many people as they endeavour to juggle work and home commitments and adapt to new ways of working, in the absence of many of their family, friends and colleagues. It is likely that some of us will be feeling the impact on our overall wellbeing, including our mental health, and we want to remind you that the support services to help you with that are still operating – if in a different fashion.

PAM Assist, our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider are delivering a mixture of telephone and on-line counselling as well as their usual self-help tools and resources on their website – just call 0800 882 4102 or visit their website for other services following the instructions here

The Big White Wall community is there as always, to let you share your difficult experiences with others in a safe and supported on-line environment, and also offers a range of self-help tools, training and guidance.

The Mental Health First Aid programme is still in operation. We regularly review the published list of Mental Health First Aiders to keep it as up to date as possible. These trained staff can help you identify and access the best type of support for you. The list can be found here, along with other information on the MHFA programme

Finally, Occupational Health continues to accept management referrals, conducting consultations by ‘phone. This means if you or your manager have concerns over how your health and work are impacting on one another, you can be referred for advice on adjustments that might help.

For more information on support available within the University, as well as some helpful external resources, have a look at the Glasgow Anywhere Health and Wellbeing page.

Please take care of yourself and of those around you.

First published: 11 June 2020