In the current climate, we are more reliant than ever on digital technology and connectivity. Superfast fifth generation, or 5G, is offering users much faster data download and upload speeds with improved reliability compared to its 4G predecessor.Scotland 5G centre screenshot 

The Scotland 5G Centre, with the University of Glasgow as a founding partner, will bring together industry, the research community and Government to design, develop and deploy the communications infrastructure supporting Scotland’s role as a global leader in 5G.  

£5.3m of Scottish Government funding will help equip the Gilmorehill campus as an urban 5G testbed for the communication solutions required for sustainable, attractive and resilient cities. Related projects delivered by other founding partners will be in rural 5G (University of Strathclyde) and public infrastructure (Scottish Futures Trust). Future projects will focus on healthcare, transport, security, manufacturing and economic development.  

Full details can be obtained from the newly launched website -  - including details of related projects taking place across the country collectively building the technical and commercial 5G ecosystem in Scotland. 

Lead academic from the University of Glasgow, Professor Muhammad Imran, explains: “The support of the new Centre will allow the University to accelerate its 5G research programme - developing the  commercial applications of this emerging technology.” 

Professor Chris Pearce, VP for Research and Board member of the Scotland 5G Centre, added: “I’m delighted UofG is working in partnership with the University of Strathclyde and Scottish Futures Trust to lead Scotland’s adoption of 5G and deliver the Scottish Government’s 5G strategy. 5G is a next-generation network technology which is faster, has the potential to revolutionise digital communications and create real social impact in Scotland – from public health to the environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of ensuring everyone has access to good quality connectivity and research here at the University is developing innovative applications for smart technologies for our campus and beyond.” 

The Centre is also supporting STEM Academy Scotland, a programme of online workshops to help schoolpupils learn about science and engineering topics, along with potential 5G applications, ranging from robotics to biodiversity. 

The Scotland 5G Centre is keen to connect with researchers interested in working in collaboration with industry to grow Scotland’s 5G capabilities.  Contact Professor Muhammad Imran for further details. Scotland 5G centre screenshot

First published: 2 July 2020