In 2017 we ran an internal VR Teaching ideas competition here at the University. From that competition, ten ideas were selected and went on to form the basis of Project Mobius – an Innovate UK funded project, costing almost £1m across three years.

Our partners on that project – Sublime – have now launched a VR teaching platform called Edify on which our initial teaching ideas sit as exemplars, and with a tool where staff can create their own VR lessons. The crucial thing to know about Edify is that it works remotely, and students can experience lessons via Zoom or Teams, without the need for any VR headset at their end. The platform works best when the teacher is in VR, however, and through the funding of Project Mobius, Glasgow is very well-equipped to enable this for staff.

Sublime have now announced a second, open, competition for new ideas to be incorporated onto the Edify platform. Teachers are asked to pitch a mere outline (200 words) at the first pass, and shortlisted applicants will then have the opportunity to work up a fuller brief. Successful ideas (up to ten) will be built in time for teaching in Semester 2 this year and will have a nominal development budget of between £20,000 and £40,000. All disciplines can apply. The deadline for initial ideas is 11 of September, and the competition information and submission portal is available here.

This is a substantial opportunity for teaching staff in any institution, but we at Glasgow have several distinct advantages in terms of institutional resource and experience with these technologies. To capitalise on that, Dr Neil McDonnell will to offer the following two sessions under the auspices of the Immersive Experience ArtsLab. All colleagues are welcome to attend:

Edify competition advice: Thursday 3 September, 12pm – 1pm.

I will offer advice on what Sublime are looking for, and what makes for a successful VR app.



There will be time for some Q&A within these sessions.

First published: 27 August 2020