This Monday (27 April 2020), we launched a new University of Glasgow appeal, allowing donors to support our researchers’ work on the many facets of the COVID-19 response, and to ensure that our most vulnerable students receive the help they need.

The UofG COVID-19 Response Fund - - is designed to be flexible in order to provide a long-term approach to meet the evolving needs of students experiencing financial hardship, and of priority research areas, as they emerge.

The immediate financial impact of the pandemic is being felt acutely amongst our students, many of whom are facing financial crises as already challenging personal circumstances are exacerbated. As well as helping these students, the Fund will also support vital research - initially within the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, and thereafter including research projects across the University that draw on our world class expertise to address a broad spectrum of COVID-19 specific issues.  

My SMG colleagues and I welcome this appeal and the opportunity it offers for our wider community to join us and play a role in the university’s contribution to the global response to the pandemic both now and in the longer term. Philanthropy can offer us a way to help retain the University’s position of strength as we face the challenges ahead of us, and this is one of the options we as senior leaders are considering in our wish to make a personal contribution toward that.

We are pleased to give colleagues the opportunity to join us in supporting the Fund - The website is now live at You can help with a gift if you are able, and by promoting the fund amongst your networks using the hashtag #UofGCOVID19. We will also be sharing updates via social media using that tag.

If you have any questions in relation to the website or the appeal, colleagues in the Development and Alumni Office would be pleased to hear from you – they can be reached at If you would like to share this with anyone in your network who may be interested, please do forward them the above links, or put them in touch with Fran’s team in DAO.

First published: 24 April 2020