The past few weeks have been extremely challenging for all of us. Whilst the University has tried hard to communicate as quickly and as comprehensively as possible on decisions that have been taken, colleagues will have understandable concerns and questions on what the future might hold.

What does furlough mean for me? When might campus re-open? Is the University planning for any changes in the way we operate to deal with C-19? How might social-distancing impact on teaching, or on the residences? Can we expect a delay to the start of the 2020-21 term? Will campus development stop? How sound is our financial position? Are we planning for a big reduction in international students?

You now have your chance to ask anything you like on these, or any other question, to a panel of senior colleagues. 

The Principal, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli; Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary, Dr David Duncan; The Executive Director of Human Resources, Christine Barr; and Commercial Services Director Robert Garnish are coming together for a special broadcast that will be recorded on Wednesday 29 April and made available on our web and through internal communications shortly afterwards.

Send in any question or area you would like the panel to address by emailing:   

The deadline for submission of questions is 5pm on Tuesday 28 April

If you would rather we didn’t mention you by name, simply ask that your point be raised anonymously. We are very keen to get as many questions to put to the panel as possible.


First published: 23 April 2020