A light review of the University’s Managing Attendance Policy has been carried out, accounting for feedback received from colleagues using the policy and aiming to further reflect the supportive approach taken to attendance management at the University. The changes focus on language and tone throughout the policy and associated documentation whilst also adjusting two of the existing ‘review points’.

The language changes include placing additional emphasis on the need to explore supportive options whilst considering the individual circumstances of any particular case, for example ‘Absence Review Meetings’ will be renamed ‘Absence Support Meetings’ and ‘warnings’ will be retitled ‘letters of concern’.

Another significant change to note is an adjustment to the ‘review points’ utilised to indicate the need for potential further investigation/action in relation to absence levels. The first two review points have been changed with the full set of new review points listed below:

  • four occasions of absence within the last six months
  • six occasions of absence within the last 12 months
  • 12 or more days sickness absence, accrued over more than one period of absence, within the last 12 months (pro-rated for part-time staff)
  • Any other recurring, recognisable pattern (eg frequent absenteeism on a Monday).

Occupational health referrals are also moving to an online process will be the first of several electronic forms to be released, bringing benefits around automation, streamlining and security. Referrals will now be sent (and subsequent occupational health reports received) within the University of Glasgow Helpdesk system.

The policy changes and the new electronic Occupational Health referral form will be implemented from Monday 2 November 2020.

First published: 23 October 2020