Professor Jill Morrison, Clerk of Senate and Vice Principal, has written to staff with the following message about the forthcoming online celebrations for the Class of 2020.

Dear Colleagues,

I am sure that, like me, you are very disappointed that we are unable to celebrate with our graduating students on campus this summer. I know that many of you are planning to send messages to your students via Zoom, Teams and so on and may have planned online celebrations. I thought it would be helpful to tell you what the University is planning to do so that you can coordinate your arrangements with these plans.

The graduation parchments will be posted out to graduates by the end of July.

We are planning a host of online celebrations across the UofG social media channels during the week beginning the 29th of June. These will include speeches by the Principal and special friends of the University, video messages and more to celebrate our incredible Class of 2020. We have also created a dedicated website:
which includes downloadable Zoom backgrounds, customised social media gifs, stickers and filters and a #UofGgrad20 wall of fame that students can use in their own celebrations. If you’re posting messages to your graduating students on your social channels, please use #UofGgrad20 and #TeamUofG to join the celebratory campaign.

Importantly, we are committed to supporting our graduates going forward as they enter their next chapter. We acknowledge that this year has been an incredibly difficult one, and we know there are uncertain times ahead. To acknowledge this, we have arranged for a number of provisions. You can find out about all of these alumni benefits at: and

Finally, we are committed to holding events to celebrate the achievements of all our new graduates at Gilmorehill and Dumfries when it is safe to do so, and we will let you know about these arrangements when they are available.

With very best wishes,


Professor Jill Morrison
Clerk of Senate and Vice Principal



First published: 19 June 2020