The latest in a series of staff and student question and answer sessions is now online.

A range of questions including the damage that C-19 is doing to the University, plans for a return to campus, academic start dates, teaching and learning provision, student experience and issues about homeworking, furlough and promotion arrangements were addressed by the Principal, Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli; Scott Kirby, President of the SRC; Professor Moira-Fischbacher Smith, Vice Principal Learning and Teaching; Dr David Duncan, Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary; Christine Barr, Director of Human Resources; Rachel Sandison, Vice Principal, External Relations; and Ian Campbell, Executive Director of Estates. 

The 45 minute broadcast can be found here.
Staff and student Q&A

The SRC continues to independently represent students through difficult times, and although the SRC has a good working relationship with the University that has led to developments such as the No Detriment Policy, commitment to hold Graduations etc, the SRC is keen to stress that it is conscious that there will be outstanding issues that still need addressing and apprehensions about the upcoming academic year that students may have. If any student has any concerns or feedback to share then please get in touch at

First published: 18 June 2020