Have you been working on a project or initiative that’s made strides towards Net Zero carbon emissions? You could enter your work in the Green Gown Awards 2020!

Or perhaps you have an interest in museums and their potential role in shaping meaningful climate action? You could contribute to an exhibition at the Glasgow Science Museum for COP26 in 2021!

If you’re interested in entering either of these competitions, drop an email to sustainable-solutions@glasgow.ac.uk if you want to find collaborators and access support in planning your entry. A bit more info on each:

The Green Gown Awards celebrate universities and colleges demonstrating innovation and excellence in mitigating climate change. This year’s UK & Ireland awards are open for entries, with a revised deadline for simple Stage 1 applications of 9 September 2020. Entries can be from all categories of staff, students, or partnerships. Categories include Benefitting Society, Next Generation Learning and Skills, Research with Impact, Tomorrow’s Employees, Student Engagement and more. Last year the University of Glasgow reached the finals in partnership with the University of Strathclyde with this Benefitting Society entry on Climate Ready Clyde: https://youtu.be/GteM3pjGLPg, so we have experience of applying to draw on. Contact the Centre for Sustainable Solutions by 7 August 2020 if you want our help.

The Reimagining Museums for Climate Action call is inviting concept and design proposals that radically reimagine the museum as an institution to help shape meaningful climate action. They want to explore how rethinking the design, purpose and experience of museums can help society make the deep, transformative changes needed to achieve a net-zero or zero-carbon world. Eight competition winners will be awarded £2500 each to develop their ideas for an exhibition at Glasgow Science Centre ahead of and during COP26. This is an international design competition, free to enter and open to anyone over the age of 18. Submissions can be made by individuals or small teams. Registration for entering is sought by July 31, 2020, with final submissions due by 15 September 2020. Contact the Centre for Sustainable Solutions with initial thoughts for your registration ASAP if you want our help, or let us know after you’ve registered. https://www.museumsforclimateaction.org/


First published: 16 July 2020