Do you wish to help the Senior Management Group determine strategy and input into the actions required to ensure that the University is a world-class, world-changing institution?

If so and you are on Grade 8 or below – you could be an ideal candidate for a new Shadow Board being established to support the University’s strategic thinking.

What is a shadow board?

A shadow board is a group of employees that works with the senior management team on strategic initiatives. Shadow boards provide different insights and enable new perspectives to be applied to the problems faced by the senior team.

Examples exist in commercial organisations, but the University of Glasgow’s Shadow Board would be among the first in higher education.

The Shadow Board will provide input on strategic issues being considered by SMG, for example: our Strategy, the World Changing Glasgow Transformation programme, the Capital Plan, the changing nature of learning, teaching and research, civic engagement, and the student experience.

Output from the Board will be discussed at SMG and members of the Board may be invited to SMG to join the discussions. In the first instance the Board will consider the University’s initial response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Expectations and commitment

It is expected that the Shadow Board will meet for two hours every month, but the Board may agree to meet more frequently and/or establish working groups so some additional work may be required between meetings.

How to apply

In the first instance we are seeking 12 members for the Shadow Board. The application and selection process will be conducted on a blind basis. Applications will be anonymised.

Please send the following to by 5pm, 7 August 2020:

  • Your name, job title, area of work and grade. (This information will be removed by an independent member of staff before information is submitted to the selection panel)
  • A statement as to why you would like to be a member of the Board (200 words max)
  • A statement of how you would add value and diversity of thinking to the Board through your experiences and expertise (200 words max)

The selection panel will be looking for Board Members who are excited by change, can see ways in which the University can continue to improve, and are keen for these improvements to be made.

This is a great opportunity to have your say and influence strategy, change and improvements at the most senior levels, as well as developing your skills in problem solving, creative and critical thinking, teamwork, networking, communications and presentations. If this excites you, we’d love to hear from you.

First published: 16 July 2020