The first recording facilities became available for use from Monday, 13 July, for staff to be able to prepare online content for next session.

In the first instance we are making nine pods on level 2 of the Fraser Building available. This will be followed over the next few weeks with faciities at Garscube, Dumfries and in the Library at Gilmorehill. 

These spaces will all be bookable through the online booking system as follows:

  1. Availability: 9-5pm, Monday-Friday
  2. Booking in three-hour slots
  3. Advance bookings up to two weeks ahead
  4. Any academic staff can book
  5. Bookings are immediate - no approval mechanism

The online booking system went live on Monday, 6 July, to allow staff to plan ahead.

The bookings are available via GUID login to the Timetable & Room booking system via MyGlasgow. We plan to make the same information available via the app version and will confirm when that is live.

All spaces will be deep cleaned prior to initial use and thereafter on a daily basis. Materials will be provided in the building to enable users to clean worksurfaces and equipment prior to or after use. Should anyone wish to use headphones whilst making the recording they will need to supply their own.

Anyone coming on to campus to record their course materials must complete the 'return to campus' Moodle course,  in line with the protocols established for safe access to the campus and entry to buildings. 

During the first week of operation members of Information Services will attend the Fraser Building each day to provide suppoprt and advice, addressing any teething problems. Thereafter support and troubleshooting will be managed through the UofG Helpdesk.

Guidance on using these facilities and recording content for loading to Moodle is attached and will be made available online at Glasgow Anywhere.

First published: 15 July 2020