JMSLH opening

In previous communications, we confirmed that the James McCune Smith Learning Hub will open to students on a restricted basis from 11 January 2021. Due to the limited numbers of students we expect to see on-campus at this point, we have taken a decision to revise this date to allow more time for staff training, and the building will now open from Monday 18 January 2021.

Inclusive learning

The University has updated its guidance for staff around content advice. This is to allow students to prepare in advance to engage with subject matter that may be challenging or potentially traumatic, and to provide access to appropriate support where necessary. 

The aim is to create an environment which will enable all students to participate and learn equally.

Enlighten and Open Access services

The Library Enlighten and Open Access services will be closed from 21 December 2020 and will reopen on 5 Jan 2021. Any outputs that need to be added to Enlighten for REF purposes should be sent to us before 5pm on Wednesday 16 December.
Due to the upcoming REF output deadline, the teams will be prioritising REF-related work throughout December, so we ask that any requests for the addition of academic publication profiles are not made during this time.

For newly accepted articles or conference proceedings

For any other publication types

 For any other queries

World AIDS Day

On Tuesday 1 December, the University tower was lit red for World AIDS Day. The theme this year was ‘global solidarity, shared responsibility’ to build resilient and impactful responses to end the ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic.

"Recent statistics show that Scotland continues to have new HIV diagnoses," says Carlo van den Heuvel, LGBT+ Network Co-Chair. "Glasgow in particular has seen the UK’s largest outbreak of new HIV cases in recent years. On World AIDS Day, we honour and reflect on the millions of people around the world who have lost their lives to the epidemic and also raise awareness of current campaigns to end the transmission of HIV."

"Thanks to research from across the University, such as the Centre for Virus Research in the Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation, and the Social & Public Health Sciences Unit," says Eleanor Capaldi, LGBT+ Network Co-Chair, "we can deepen our understanding of the virus and its impacts on communities. Together we can keep raising awareness, tackling stigma, and supporting efforts to reach Zero HIV."

Colleagues invited to take part in Nest Insight's Money Matters survey

Last year, we invited you to take part in Nest Insight’s Money Matters survey. Your contribution helped Nest Insight and their research partners, Harvard University and the Money & Pensions Service, understand how people in the UK manage their money and feel about their financial wellbeing.

They’re now running a follow up survey and we would like to invite you to take part again. This research will help Nest Insight form an even better understanding of the results collected last year, especially during these challenging times.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. For all surveys completed before 18th December 2020 you will have the opportunity to be entered into a prize draw to win a £500 Amazon voucher. Taking part is voluntary, and any responses you submit are confidential. Your privacy is important, and the information collected and used by the researchers cannot be traced back to you.


First published: 14 December 2020