In December, the University Court approved the paper, “A Dear, Green Place: Towards a Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change for the University of Glasgow”. With Court’s approval, the Sustainability Working Group would now like to consult staff and students on the draft plan and on the University’s approach to this issue.

All members of the University community will be aware of the gravity of global concerns about climate change. For its part, in 2017 the University of Glasgow signed the Sustainable Development Goals Accord, which commits us to combatting poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and promoting peace and justice. Earlier in 2019, in response to a call from the Environmental Association of Universities & Colleges, the Principal formally declared a climate emergency.

The University also plans to launch a new Centre for Sustainable Solutions, which will enable the University to play a more effective role in the current global sustainability movement. The Centre will support, promote and co-ordinate the activities of staff and students around sustainability and help us to raise funding and develop multi-sector partnerships related to the climate emergency.

Have your say

In order to help shape a final version of the strategy and action plan, we would like your views. To allow us to hear the views of as many people as possible, we have launched an online survey where you can participate in the consultation, respond to the paper, and offer comments on issues which you think we have missed or underplayed.

The deadline for replying to the consultation is Friday 20 March. After that date, we will compile the answers into a summary document and share this openly.

We will also be holding a series of engagement events and forums with stakeholders across the university and will provide further information on these very shortly.

First published: 11 February 2020