Our first Professional Services Conference, themed around “collaborating to deliver excellence in Professional Services”, took place on Friday, 10 January, and was attended by around 350 staff. The event was hugely popular, and a testament to the hard work that went into developing a wide-ranging agenda.

We are delighted to share some of the content for the day for those who weren’t able to attend on a new Conference webpage. This includes:

  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Handouts from our keynote speakers
  • Q&As
  • The Glasgow Professional Behavioural Framework
  • A round-up of some participants’ reflections (film)

The webpage can be accessed here: https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/humanresources/employeeandorganisationaldevelopment/profservicesconference/.

The conference was organised by a working group and included representatives from across the University who worked hard to deliver an informative, developmental and fun day.

Throughout the day, we had a number of interactive sessions where the audience asked questions via the “Slido” tool (www.sli.do). Following the conference, we have gathered responses for these questions from various leaders across the university and these can be found in the ‘Questions & Answers’ section.

We hosted both internal and external speakers, as well as panels of leaders, giving the audience a chance to take part in interactive sessions. These included:

  • A Q&A session with Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Neal Juster
  • Video presentations from Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak and Dr David Duncan
  • The launch of the Glasgow Professional Behavioural Framework led by Lesley Cummings, Director of Performance and Reward in central HR
  • A session on professional networking led by external facilitator Cordelia Ditton
  • A session on productivity and effective working led by external facilitator Miles Seecharan
  • A leadership panel moderated by Professor Frank Coton who also acted as conference moderator
  • Energisers led by the team at UofG Sports
  • Opportunities for networking with, and learning from, other Professional Services colleagues

Delegates also had the opportunity to visit some fantastic exhibition stands highlighting some of the great work going on across our University by Professional Services colleagues.

We would like to thank all those who volunteered and provided exhibitions on the day, as well as the speakers, panel members and our colleagues in the Audio Visual, Catering, Security, Janitorial and Facilities Teams for further contributing to the success of the event.

We envisage the next conference event taking place in 2021, with opportunities for smaller events before then.


First published: 9 March 2020