Careers Fairs and Events Terms & Conditions


1.1 The following definitions are used in these Careers Event Terms and Conditions:

Booking form The booking form submitted by You in relation to the Event
Booking Confirmation The booking confirmation which may be issued by the University to You in relation to the Event
Careers Event Terms and Conditions The terms and conditions set out in this document
Confidential information Any information disclosed by You or Us to the other which might reasonably be considered to be commercially sensitive, including the terms of the Contract
Contract Means the contract between You and Us in relation to the Event, consisting of the Booking Form, the Booking Confirmation, these Career Event Terms and Conditions and the Event Manual
Event The Careers, Employability & Opportunity Event described in the Booking Confirmation
Event Space The Event Space within Our event venue or virtual platform made available to You as shown on the Booking Confirmation
Our, Us, We The University Court of the University of Glasgow incorporated under the Universities (Scotland) Act 1889 and having Our principal office at University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, a registered Scottish charity in terms of Section 13 (2) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (Charity Number SC004401, Charity Name 'University of Glasgow Court')
Services The services to be provided by Us to You in relation to the Event as set out in the Booking Confirmation, which may include (but are not limited to), the provision of a stand, sponsorship rights, catering and virtual environment.
You, Your The employer organisation named in the Booking Form



2.1 The Contract comes into existence only when We issue You with a Booking Confirmation.

2.2 If the Event is a careers fair, to ensure a mix of exhibitors, We may refuse or accept your Booking Form at Our discretion. We may also refuse Your Booking Form if You are a recruitment agency and You do not disclose the identity of the employer of any job that your advertise on Your website or on other channels through which You advertise.

2.3 If there is any conflicts between any part of the Contract, the order of precedence shall be as follows:

     (a) These Careers Event Terms and Conditions;
     (b) The Booking Confirmation;
     (c) The Event Manual; then
     (d) The Booking Form.

2.4 The Contract constitutes a license to exhibit at or participate in Our Event. We reserve the right at any time to make alterations to the Event that in Our reasonable opinion may be necessary in the best interests of the Event.


3.1 We will deliver the Services to You with reasonable skill and care and in compliance with the Contract and applicable laws.


4.1 You must comply with the rules and regulations set out in the Event Manual, together with all applicable laws.

4.2 The permitted specification for Your Event Space is set out in the Event Manual. You must ensure that Your Event Space complies with the permitted details. We may refuse Your Event Space if it does not comply with the permitted details.

4.3 Your Event Space must be staffed and ready for the admission of visitors at the Event opening time specified in the Event Manual. If You do not comply with this obligation, We may close Your Event Space as We see fit. You will remain liable for the full fees payable under the Contract.

4.4 You and all persons for whom You are responsible must:

(a) conduct themselves in such a manner as shall not, in Our reasonable opinion cause nuisance, aggression, distress or disturbance to Us or any other exhibitor or visitor at the Event;
(b) conduct business only from Your Event Space;
(c) not infringe the rights of any third parties; and
(d) not promote any items at the Event that can be perceived as dangerous substances or materials, any materials which infringe the rights of any third parties or any materials which are not customarily used at events such as the Event.

If You do not comply with the above obligations, We may (without limiting any other remedy) close Your Event Space without any right of refund.

4.5 You may contact Us at any time prior to the Event at the contact details set out in the Event Manual to discuss content You wish to deliver at the Event.

4.6 If You are a recruitment agency, You must disclose the identity of the employer of any job that You advertise at the Event, including on any job advertising materials distributed by You at the Event.


5.1 We may take photographs,videos or recordings of the Event and use these for promotional purposes. Unless You have notified Us in writing prior to the Event, You grant Us a royalty free, worldwide, perpetual, non-licence to include You and/or Your Virtual Space in such photographs, videos or recordings.

5.2 You shall not acquire or receive any right, or entitlement to or in connection with the Event or its name or any logo or any other intellectual property rights owned by Us through exhibiting in the Event.


6.1 The fees for the Services are set out in Your Booking Confirmation. Indicative fee information is set out on the Booking Form.

6.2 The fees are exclusive of Value Added Tax which You shall be required to pay where applicable.

6.3 We will invoice You for the Fee in accordance with the payment schedule set out in the Booking Confirmation. We will invoice You in respect of any cancellation charges payable on the date We receive Your notice of cancellation.

6.4 You must pay Our invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt.

6.5 If You do not pay Your fees or other charges before the deadline for payment, We may:

(a) apply interest at a rate of 3% per annum above the base rate of HSBC plc (calculated on a daily basis) to the unpaid amount;
(b) hand-over Your debt to an external debt collection agency for collection;
(c) claim any costs actually incurred by Us recovering the debt from You; and/or
(d) terminate the Contract in accordance with Clause 10.5.


7.1 We make no warranty, representation or undertaking regarding the anticipated levels of attendance by visitors and/or other exhibitors at the Event.

7.2 You are responsible for and shall indemnify Us in respect of all claims (whether arising from negligence, breach of statutory duty, contract or otherwise) arising in connection with all actions or omissions by You or persons for whom You are responsible at the Event. 

7.3 We are not responsible for any loss or damage to Your property caused by You or by third parties for whom We are not responsible (for example other attendees at the Event or the provider of the virtual fair environment).

7.4 Our total liability to You is limited to the amount of the Fees.

7.5 We do not exclude or limit in any way Our liability to You where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence or the negligence of Our employees, agents or subcontractors; or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

7.6 You are responsible for obtaining insurance against all relevant risks, that are associated with your attendance at the Event.


8.1 We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal information and will comply with all applicable requirements of relevant data protection legislation. We collect and use personal information to enable the delivery of the Event and the performance of the Contract. Our Privacy Notice describes how We will use any personal information provided by You.

8.2 If You collect any personal information at the Event, You must comply with all applicable requirements of relevant data protection legislation.


9.1 You and We must respect and preserve the confidentiality of Confidential Information. Accordingly, neither You nor We may, without Our prior written consent of the other, either:

     (a) disclose the Confidential Information to any third party; or
     (b) use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purpose for which such Confidential Information was disclosed.

9.2 The obligations of confidentiality set out above shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, to such of the Confidential Information as can be shown:

     (a) has become public knowledge other than through disclosure in breach of this Clause; or
     (b) was already known; or
     (c) has been received from a third party who did not acquire it in confidence from You or Us; or
     (d) is required to be disclosed by (i) law (including, but not limited to, any requirement to disclose under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 or the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004), (ii) any regulatory authority, or (iii) any court of competent jurisdiction.

9.3 Each of We and You must, whenever the other so requests, return to the other all documents and other records of the Confidential Information in Our or Your possession or control except that one copy of the Confidential Information may be retained by the recipient as part of the recipient’s routine data back-up process and for the purpose of assessing any continuing obligations.


10.1 The Contract will end automatically on completion of the Event.

10.2 You may cancel the Contract by notifying Us by email to

10.3 If You cancel the Contract less than 6 Weeks prior to the Event, You will pay a cancellation charge calculated as a percentage of the Fees payable, as follows:

Cancellation notice received Percentage of Fees payable (exc VAT)
In the period 6 - 4 Weeks prior to the Event 10%
In the period 4 - 2 Weeks prior to the Event 50%
In the period less than 2 Weeks prior to the Event 100%

10.4 You have the right to end the Contract by notifying Us by email because We have breached a material obligation under it and We cannot remedy the breach within thirty (30) days.

10.5 We may end the Contract by notifying You in writing to the email address You provided in Your Booking Form because You have breached an obligation under it and You cannot remedy the breach within thirty (30) days. You will not be entitled to any refund.

10.6 If We have had to cancel the Event under Clause 11, We have the right to end the Contract, in which case the Contract will end on the date on which the University notifies You in writing to the email address You provided in Your Booking Form. You will pay to Us an amount equal to the non-cancellable commitments incurred by Us up to the date We end the Contract (which sum shall not exceed the fees payable under the Contract). If You have paid any fees in advance, and Our non-cancellable commitments amount to less than the amount of fees paid in advance, We will pay You the difference. We will issue You with a final statement and invoice in respect of any such payments.

10.7 The ending of the Contract shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and entitlements of either You or Us.


11.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to carry out, or delay in carrying out, any of Our obligations under the Contract where that delay or failure is caused by an event outside Our reasonable control. Examples include extreme weather, a pandemic or epidemic, industrial action, lock-outs, sit-ins or other protests, riots, terrorism, sabotage, acts of war, destruction or damage of essential equipment by fire, explosion, flood or reduction or unavailability of power, failure of computer and software environments, access to network or wi-fi connections or other essential services (such as water).

11.2 We will take reasonable steps to find a way in which We can carry out Our obligations under the Contract despite the event outside of our control (which may include rescheduling the Event or moving the Event). However, if we are unable to carry out Our obligations under the Contract, We may cancel the Event and terminate the Contract in accordance with Clause 10.6.


12.1 We may transfer Our obligations under the Contract to another organisation or person. If and when this happens, We will remain responsible to You for the performance of Our obligations by that third party.

12.2 You may not transfer, sublicence or subcontract any of Your rights or obligations under the Contract.

12.3 The Contract is between You and Us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

12.4 Each of the Clauses of the Contract operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining Clauses will remain in full force and effect.

12.5 If We do not insist immediately that You do anything You are required to do under the Contract, or if We delay in taking steps against You in respect of Your breach of the Contract, that will not mean that You do not have to do those things and it will not prevent Us taking steps against You at a later date.


13.1 The Contract is governed by Scots law.

13.2 If You want to bring legal proceedings against Us, You must bring those proceedings to the Scottish courts. If We need to bring legal proceedings against You We may bring them in any court or courts anywhere in the world that will hear such proceedings. For example, if You are located outside of Scotland and We need to pursue You for unpaid Fees, We may bring legal proceedings in a court where You are located.