
Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma in Childhood Practice

1.   Admission

Before being considered for admission to study for this award, a candidate must have obtained a degree or equivalent.

2.   Duration of Study

The programme is available for part-time study only. The minimum period of study for the award of a Certificate is one academic session and the minimum period of study for the Diploma is two academic sessions. The maximum period within which a candidate must complete the programme is four years from the date of initial registration.

3.   Programme Components

3.1   In order to qualify for the award of a Certificate or Diploma, a candidate must complete minimum credits as follows:

a)   For the award of the Postgraduate Diploma: 120 credits of taught courses.

b)   For the award of the Postgraduate Certificate: 60 credits of taught courses.

3.2   The taught courses will normally be undertaken during the academic session (September – June) and are specified in the Programme Handbook.

4.   Minimum Requirement for the Award of Credits

Credits for courses contributing to a candidate's curriculum shall be awarded subject to the fulfilment of required conditions. The minimum requirements for the award of credits are set out in the Code of Assessment at §16.40 – §16.44 in the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Regulations.

5.   Assessment

5.1   For each academic session, assessment and reassessment are, in so far as not modified by these regulations, governed by the Code of Assessment which is contained in the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Regulations published for that session.

5.2   Assessment of each candidate’s performance on the placements will be the responsibility of the School of Education.

6.   Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise

For this programme, the School of Education has a Code of Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise, which is fully aligned to the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Code of Practice and the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), to which each candidate must register assent on entry to the programme. Any candidate refusing to be bound by the terms of that Code will not be permitted to progress. A reported breach of the Code or other matter relating to a candidate’s fitness to practise will be dealt with in accordance with the regulations set out in §36 of the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Regulations.

7.   Requirements for the Award of a Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate

7.1   The requirement for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Childhood Practice & Leadership is a grade point average[1] of at least 9.0 in 120 credits, with at least 80 credits at grade D3 or above.

7.2   The requirement for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate in Childhood Practice & Leadership is a grade point average of at least 9.0 in 60 credits, with at least 40 credits at grade D3 or above.

8.   Progress

8.1   In order to progress to what is normally the second year of study, a candidate must have attained grade D3 or above in all courses taken in the preceding year after not more than two attempts.

8.2   A candidate may, subject to consideration by the College Progress Committee be excluded from further instruction and examination in the School of Education if they do not attain grade D3 or above in a course assessment after two attempts.

8.3   A candidate who on two occasions has failed to attain grade D or better in a course assessment may, at the discretion of the College Progress Committee, be permitted not more than one further attempt to be undertaken at a time specified by the College.

8.4   A candidate who has successfully completed the programme for the Diploma may be permitted to progress to study for a Masters degree in Education in accordance with the regulations governing such further awards.

[1] The grade point average is determined with reference to the schedule of grades and grade points contained in Schedule A and Schedule B of the University’s Code of Assessment. The grade point average is calculated by taking the product of each course’s weight and the candidate’s grade points and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the courses’ weights. The weights shall correspond to the courses’ credit ratings unless specified otherwise in the relevant programme documentation. The grade point average is expressed to one decimal place (§16.34(a) of the Code of Assessment). In determining whether a candidate has satisfied requirements in relation to award and progress, no further rounding is permitted. For example, a grade point average of 8.9 would not satisfy a requirement for a grade point average of 9.0.

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