
Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Community Development

The BA in Community Development is offered by the School of Education. Candidates will normally be in paid employment in a job closely related to community work. Candidates who are not in paid employment will be required to complete a placement to provide practical experience.


The Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Community Development is governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 674 are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (BA (Community Development)) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Social Sciences (the College) as an Ordinary Degree and as a Degree with Honours.

2.   The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 - “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes” together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No. 674 - “Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Community Development”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.   The early exit awards of Diploma of Higher Education and Certificate of Higher Education are also included in the Regulations (§6.3).


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning 

1.1   Assessed prior experiential learning cannot be counted for credit on this degree.

1.2   A Higher National Certificate in a relevant subject is an advanced entry route to second year of the degree programme. Other relevant and appropriate qualifications may be considered for advanced entry.

2.   Maximum Period of Study

This programme is only available on a full-time basis and must be completed within seven academic sessions from first registration.

3.   Code of Assessment

In accordance with Generic Undergraduate Regulation §9, assessment and re-assessment are governed by the Code of Assessment with the following exception:

a)  A candidate who achieves less than D3 for any taught courses in Years 3 and 4 of the curriculum will be eligible for a second opportunity at assessment on any such course or courses. In accordance with §16.7 of the Code of Assessment, for any such course or courses contributing to the Honours curriculum the original course grade will contribute towards calculation of the Honours classification. For the avoidance of doubt, the grade D3 or above in a piece of independent work worth at least 20 credits (referred to in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §16.1) must be achieved at the first attempt.

4.   Progress

Generic Undergraduate Regulations §10 and §11 apply with the following additional requirements:

4.1   In order to progress to the subsequent year of the degree programme a candidate must have attained grade D3 or above in all courses and work experience of the preceding year.

4.2   In order to progress to Year 4 of the degree programme a candidate must have attained grade D3 or above in all Year 3 courses and must have successfully completed at least 1440 hours of community development practice over the course of the first three years.

4.3   Exceptionally, a candidate may be permitted by the College Progress Committee to progress into Years 2, 3 or 4 with one compulsory course at less than grade D3. The candidate must present themselves for reassessment in that course at the next available opportunity. 

The College Progress Committee has authority to set aside the regulations governing exclusion and to permit further attempts in assessment and work experience.

If, after consideration, the College Progress Committee permits one further attempt at assessment or work experience, the candidate must undertake that attempt at a time specified by the College. Failure to attain a grade D3 or above will result in exclusion.

5.   Courses Available to Candidates

Courses for the Degree are set out in the programme specification.

6.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

6.1   Ordinary Degree

In addition to meeting the requirements set out in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §14 candidates must complete the curriculum set out in the programme specification, attaining grade D3 or above for each course.

6.2   Honours Degree

In addition to meeting the requirements set out in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §16 and the progress requirements set out in §4.2, candidates must attain grade D3 or above for each course.

7.   Other Information on Awards

7.1   Code of Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise

A candidate for the Degree is required to assent to the School of Education Code of Professional Conduct. Any candidate who refuses to do so will be denied access to teaching and work experience. A candidate in breach of the Code will be subject to Fitness to Practise procedures which may include referral to the School of Education Fitness to Practise Committee. (See ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ Regulation 36 of the University Regulations.)

7.2   Attendance

In order to be eligible for the award of credit on a course delivered by the School of Education, a candidate must achieve a minimum of 80% attendance.

7.3   Exit Awards

Generic Undergraduate Regulations §12 and §13 apply with the following additional requirements. A candidate who has completed courses totalling at least 120 credits with grade D3 or above for each course will be eligible for a Certificate of Higher Education (Community Development). A candidate who has completed courses totalling at least 240 credits with grade D3 or above for each course will be eligible for a Diploma in Higher Education (Community Development). A candidate who has completed courses totalling at least 360 credits with grade D3 or above for each course will be eligible for a Bachelor of Arts in Community Development. A candidate who has completed courses totalling at least 360 credits and achieved an overall grade point average of 9.0 will be eligible for the Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies. A candidate who has achieved either the Certificate of Higher Education or Diploma of Higher Education in Community Development may apply to re-enter the programme at a later stage to complete the BA. Such a candidate will be subject to the maximum duration of study stated at §2, with their duration of study commencing at first registration on the programme.

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