
Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (delivered at University of Electronic Science & Technology of China - UESTC)

(Joint Educational Programme with the University of Electronic Science & Technology of China (UESTC). Candidates may also be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering by UESTC on satisfying the requirements stipulated by UESTC.)


The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering is governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 647 are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Science & Engineering (the College) as a Degree with Honours in such designations as may be prescribed by Regulations.

2.   The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 - “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes” together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No. 647 – “Degree of Bachelor of Engineering”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.   Provision for the following early exit awards  is also included in the Regulations: the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc (Eng)), which may be awarded as a Degree with Honours and as an Ordinary Degree; Diploma of Higher Education in Engineering Studies (DipHE(Engineering Studies)); and Certificate of Higher Education in Engineering Studies (CertHE(Engineering Studies)).

4.   It shall be the duty of the Joint Management Board of the University of Glasgow and the University of Electronic Science & Technology of China (UESTC) to consider annually the curriculum for the Degree.

5.   It shall be competent for the University Court on the recommendation of the Senate to recognise and appoint as associated teachers of the University for the purposes of the Degree such lecturers and other officers of UESTC having responsibilities for courses qualifying for the Degree as may be proposed for such recognition by the Joint Management Board.

6.   The University Court may appoint as an examiner for the Degree, but not as an external examiner, any associate teacher recognised in accordance with §5.

7.   The examiners shall be drawn from the Professors, Readers and Lecturers in the University of Glasgow together with such examiners as are appointed in pursuance of §6 and such external examiners as may be appointed by the University Court, on the recommendation of the Joint Management Board.

8.   It shall be competent for the Senate on the recommendation of the Joint Management Board to constitute a Board of Examiners, which shall have power to receive and to assess reports from individual examiners for transmission to the Senate.


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning

Up to 40 credits of prior learning may be permitted at the discretion of the Programme Director.

2.   Maximum Period of Study

The maximum period of study is normally six sessions. Part-time study is not permitted.

3.   Progress

The minimum requirements for progress to the next year of study are:

a)   grade E3 or above in all courses;

b)   no more than 24 credits below grade D3;

c)   pass in all English language-related courses in the curriculum for that year after one reassessment.

In addition, progress from year 2 to year 3 requires attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 in all IELTS sub-tests or the achievement of an equivalent standard in an alternative assessment administered by the University of Glasgow.

4.   Courses Available to Candidates

The available courses are listed in the Programme Specification.

5.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

5.1   Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) with Honours

Generic Undergraduate Regulation §16 applies with the following additional requirements:

a)   grade D3 or above in all courses in all years of the curriculum;

b)   grade D3 or above in the major individual project at the first attempt;

c)   grade E3 or above in all courses in the final year at the first attempt;

d)   no more than 20 credits below grade D3 in the final year at the first attempt:

e)   pass in all English language-related courses;

f)    attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 in all IELTS sub-tests or the achievement of an equivalent standard in an alternative assessment administered by the University of Glasgow.

The calculation of the final classification is based on weightings from years 3 and 4 of 50:50.

5.2   Bachelor of Science (BSc) with Honours

Generic Undergraduate Regulation §16 applies with the following additional requirements:

a)   grade D3 or above in all courses in all years of the curriculum;

b)   pass in all English language-related courses;

c)   attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 in all IELTS sub-tests or the achievement of an equivalent standard in an alternative assessment administered by the University of Glasgow.

The calculation of the final classification is based on weightings from years 3 and 4 of 50:50.

5.3   Bachelor of Science (BSc) Ordinary (Engineering Studies)

Generic Undergraduate Regulation §14 applies with the following additional requirement:

a)   attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 in all IELTS sub-tests or the achievement of an equivalent standard in an alternative assessment administered by the University of Glasgow.

5.4   Diploma of Higher Education (Engineering Studies)

Generic Undergraduate Regulation §13 applies with the following additional requirement:

a)   attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 in all IELTS sub-tests or the achievement of an equivalent standard in an alternative assessment administered by the University of Glasgow.

5.5   Certificate of Higher Education (Engineering Studies)

Generic Undergraduate Regulation §12 applies with the following additional requirement:

a)   attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 in all IELTS sub-tests or the achievement of an equivalent standard in an alternative assessment administered by the University of Glasgow.

6.   List of Programmes to which these Regulations Apply

Programmes delivered at the UESTC Chengdu campus:

BEng Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Communications

BEng Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Information Engineering

BEng Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Microelectronics

Programmes delivered at the UESTC Hainan campus:

BEng (Hons) Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Communications

BEng (Hons) Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Information Engineering

BEng (Hons) Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Microelectronics

7.   Variations to Assessment and Reassessment in the Code of Assessment

Generic Undergraduate Regulation §9 applies with the following variations:

a)   Reassessment to meet requirement §5.1(a) and §5.2(a) for the award of the BEng and BSc (Hons) degrees is not subject to the usual limits of the Provision for Reassessment in the Code of Assessment, but only to the maximum period of study and the standard provision for reassessments at UESTC.

b)   The assessment of English for Engineering courses is exempt from Schedule A of the Code of Assessment and is assessed on a two point scale Pass/No Pass.

c)   Students who achieve No Pass in courses graded Pass/No Pass have not met the threshold grade and are therefore entitled to reassessment under the normal provision.

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