
Degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master in Science in Veterinary Biosciences


The Degrees of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Veterinary Biosciences and Master in Science in Veterinary Biosciences are governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 607 are as follows:

1.   The Degrees of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Veterinary Biosciences and Master in Science (MSci) in Veterinary Biosciences may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (the College) as degrees in one or more Principal Subjects as may be prescribed by Regulations. The Degree of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biosciences may be awarded as an Ordinary Degree and as a Degree with Honours. Each of the degrees: Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science with Honours may be awarded with Work Placement.

2.   The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 – “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes” together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No 607 – “Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biosciences and Master in Science in Veterinary Biosciences”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.   The Degrees to which this Resolution applies may not be awarded honoris causa, and shall not be recognised as qualifications carrying the right to membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

4.   The early exit awards of Diploma of Higher Education and Certificate of Higher Education shall be governed by the Generic Undergraduate Regulations.


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning

Generic Undergraduate Regulation §4 applies. Prior experiential learning cannot permit entry with advanced standing. Subject to approval by the programme director(s) and the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine Accredited Prior Learning officer, a candidate may qualify for exemption from level 1 courses up to a maximum of 120 credits by obtaining passes in appropriate subjects at specified grades in approved University examinations at SCQF level 7/8, QCF[1] minimum level 3 or equivalent. No grades will be awarded in association with accredited prior learning.

2.   Maximum Period of Study

The degree programme should normally be completed within four academic sessions of the start of the programme for a degree with Honours and five academic sessions for an MSci but under exceptional circumstances five academic sessions for the BSc (Honours) and six academic sessions for the MSci. Even where evidence of good cause is presented and accepted, the maximum period of study shall be no more than six academic sessions for the BSc (Honours) and seven academic sessions for the MSci. 

3.   Progress

3.1   Generic Undergraduate Regulations §10 and §11 apply with the following additional requirements:

The minimum requirements for progress to a succeeding level of study are as follows:

BSc (Honours)

After level 1: The candidate must have obtained at least 120 credits at grade D3 or above.
After level 2: The candidate must have obtained at least 240 credits at grade D3 or above.
After level 3: The candidate must have obtained at least 360 credits with a minimum 330 credits at grade D3 or above and a grade point average[2] for level 3 courses of at least 9.0.

Entry to MSci

The following requirements shall apply for admission to the MSci programme subsequent to level 3 of the BSc (Honours) programme:

i)   the candidate must have completed 360 credits at levels 1, 2 and 3 of the BSc Veterinary Biosciences (Honours) programme, with at least D3 in all courses and a grade point average of at least 12.0 in level 3;

ii)   the candidate must satisfy the requirements of the selection process.

Progress on MSci

Candidates will undertake a work placement (level M) between levels 3 and 4. A candidate who achieves a grade of at least C for the work placement will be permitted to progress to level H of the MSci Veterinary Biosciences programme. A candidate who completes the work placement year but does not attain a minimum grade of C will not meet the requirements for progression to level H of the MSci Veterinary Biosciences programme. Such a candidate may exit with an appropriate exit degree (see §6) or may continue with level H with the aim of completing a BSc (Honours) Veterinary Biosciences or BSc (Honours) Veterinary Biosciences (with Work Placement) subject to meeting the specified requirements.

4.   Courses Available to Candidates

4.1   The courses available to candidates are set out in the programme specification.

4.2   MSci Work Placement

A work placement shall be undertaken in an industrial, research, or similar establishment. The College shall approve a proposed work placement only if it is satisfied that the work to be undertaken will make a substantial contribution to the objectives of the candidate’s degree programme. The work shall be supervised by a responsible person approved by the College, and shall be monitored by a member of academic staff of the University of Glasgow nominated by the College.

5.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

5.1   Degree of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biosciences (Hons)

Each candidate must meet the requirements of Generic Undergraduate Regulation §16. Additionally:

a)   a candidate must have completed levels 1, 2 and 3 of the programme and obtained 240 credits at grade D3 or above at levels 1 and 2, 120 credits at level 3 with a grade point average of at least 9.0 and at least 90 credits at grade D3 or above;

b)   the candidate must have completed 120 credits at level H with a grade point average of at least 9.0, and grade D3 or above in the Honours Project course.

The calculation of the final BSc Honours classification is based on weightings from levels 3 and H as follows (40:60).

5.2   Degree of Master in Science in Veterinary Biosciences (MSci)

Each candidate must meet the requirements of Generic Undergraduate Regulation §17. Additionally:

a)   the candidate must have completed 360 credits at levels 1, 2 and 3 of the BSc Veterinary Biosciences (Honours) programme, and obtained a D3 or above in all level 1, 2  and 3 courses and a grade point average of at least 12.0 for level 3;

b)   the candidate must have undertaken a work placement between levels 3 and H worth 120 credits and obtained a grade point average of at least 12.0;

c)   the candidate must have completed 120 credits at level H with a grade point average of at least 9.0, and a grade D3 or above in the MSci research project course.

The calculation of the final classification for the MSci award is normally based on weightings from level 3, M and H as follows (20:20:60).

6.   Exit Degree/Diploma/Certificate

6.1   Certificate of Higher Education (Animal Biosciences)

As defined in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §12.

6.2   Diploma of Higher Education (Animal Biosciences)

As defined in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §13.

6.3   Degree of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biosciences

In place of Generic Undergraduate Regulation §14, the following applies; to be eligible for the award of the Degree of BSc in Veterinary Biosciences, a candidate must have completed all first, second and third years of the programme and have obtained at least 360 credits and achieved an overall grade point average of at least 9.0. Within these 360 credits:

a)   at least 120 must be at level 3 or higher;

b)   at least 60 credits at level 3 or higher must be at grade D3 or above.

Where the candidate has completed level H courses but has failed to meet the requirements for the Degree of BSc in Veterinary Biosciences (Honours), the credit counted in the calculation of the grade point average shall be reduced to 360 credits by discarding all of the credit for some of the courses in such a way as to maximise the grade point average while meeting all other requirements of the regulations.

The ordinary degree shall be awarded with Merit where the grade point average is at least 12.0, and with Distinction where the grade point average is at least 15.0.

6.4   Degree of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biosciences ‘with Work Placement’

The Degree of BSc in Veterinary Biosciences may be awarded ‘with Work Placement’ to a candidate on the MSci programme who has completed the work placement year with grade D3 or above and is qualified for the award of the Degree of BSc in Veterinary Biosciences as in §6.3. The degree shall be awarded with Merit and Distinction as specified in §6.3; the work placement will not contribute to the grade point average for these calculations.

6.5   Degree of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Biosciences (Hons) ‘with Work Placement’

The Degree of BSc in Veterinary Biosciences (Honours) may be awarded ‘with Work Placement’ to a candidate on the MSci programme who has completed the work placement year with grade D and is qualified for the award of Degree of BSc in Veterinary Biosciences (Honours) as in §5.1. The calculation of the final BSc Honours classification is based on weightings from levels 3 and H as follows (40:60).

[1] The Qualifications Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

[2] The grade point average is determined with reference to the schedule of grades and grade points contained in Schedule A and Schedule B of the University’s Code of Assessment. The grade point average is calculated by taking the product of each course’s weight and the candidate’s grade points and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the courses’ weights. The weights shall correspond to the courses’ credit ratings unless specified otherwise in the relevant programme documentation. The grade point average is expressed to one decimal place (§16.34(a) of the Code of Assessment). In determining whether a candidate has achieved a required grade point average, no further rounding is permitted. For example, a candidate achieving a grade point average of 8.9 would not satisfy a requirement for a grade point average of 9.0.

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