
Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

The General Medical Council has mandated that from 2024-25 all UK medical students are required to pass the Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) as part of their medical school degree before being eligible to join the medical register. The MLA is a two-part assessment, sat in MBChB V and comprised of an applied knowledge test (AKT) and a clinical and professional skills assessment (CPSA).


The Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery are governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 602 are as follows:

1.   The Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine (MB) and Bachelor of Surgery (ChB) may be awarded by the University of Glasgow in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (the College). The Degree of Bachelor of Medicine shall not be awarded otherwise than with the Degree of Bachelor of Surgery, and vice versa.

2.   The award of the Degrees shall be governed by the Generic Undergraduate Regulations which are governed by Resolution No. 582 of the University Court.

3.   The Senate may make supplementary regulations governing the award of the Degrees which are subject to the approval of the University Court - these shall be as stated under ‘Regulations’.

4.   The early exit awards of the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci) (Honours) and the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci) are included in the Regulations.


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning

Prior experiential learning cannot be counted for credit on this Degree.

2.   Maximum Period of Study

The degree programme should normally be completed within five academic sessions of the date of registration but under exceptional circumstances six academic sessions. Even where evidence of good cause is presented and accepted, the maximum period of study shall be no more than eight academic sessions from date of registration. The maximum duration of study is not inclusive of intercalating degrees and one repeat of MBChB V.

3.   Progress

3.1   A candidate may not proceed to the next academic year of the curriculum until they have obtained a grade D or above in competency-based assessments and a D3 or above in all other summative assessments of the previous year.

If at the end of MBChB I a candidate has not obtained a grade D3 or above, one repeat of the year will normally be granted (unless the candidate is Credit Refused, in which case they will be referred to the Progress Committee and will normally be excluded).

One repeat of MBChB V will be granted if a candidate does not achieve grade D3 or above in the MBChB V written examination (applied knowledge test 'AKT') and grade D or above in the competency-based assessment (clinical and professional skills assessment 'CPSA').

3.2   Exclusion of Candidates

3.2.1   A candidate will be required to submit documentation for review by the School Progress Committee and will normally be excluded if they do not achieve grade D3 (D in competency-based assessments) or above after two attempts in any of the following:

a)  after one repeat year, MBChB I written examination or the MILE or any individual coursework components;

b)  MBChB II written examination or any individual coursework components;

c)  MBChB III written examination or coursework or competency-based assessment;

d)  MBChB IV written examination or competency-based assessment.

In addition a final year candidate will normally be excluded:

e)  if they fail to complete the prescribed training and be assessed as competent in resuscitation normally after two attempts by the end of MBChB V (non-attendance which is not approved will count as a failure to demonstrate competence);

f)  if they do not achieve a grade D3 or above in the Final written examinations in MBChB V (AKT) and grade D or above in the competency-based assessments (CPSA) following one repeat year and normally a maximum of four attempts overall;

g)  if they fail to attend and satisfactorily complete the Preparation for Practice block in MBChB V;

h)  If they fail to attend and satisfactorily complete all clinical placements;

i)  If they fail to complete and submit the prescribed number of portfolio cases.

3.2.2   A candidate will normally be excluded if they do not achieve grade D3 or better in all Student Selected Components.

3.2.3   A candidate may be excluded if their conduct is such as to require a referral under the fitness to practise procedure (as identified in the Code of Professional Conduct for MBChB Students - see §6.1).

3.3   The School Progress Committee will have the authority to set aside the regu­lations governing exclusion and to permit a candidate to repeat a year of the programme, such candidates will be required to submit documentation for review by the Committee.

3.4   Repeat Year

A candidate who is permitted to repeat a year will not be allowed to carry forward any assessment grade, whether or not a pass grade has been attained. Such a candidate will be required to undertake all assessments and obtain a grade D or above in competency-based assessments (where relevant) and D3 or above in all other summative assessments. For each accessment, they will also be permitted a resit in the repeat year if required. A candidate must attend all prescribed elements of the course during a repeat year.

3.5   A candidate with outstanding tuition fees from the previous session will not be permitted to register and attend classes in the following session until the outstanding fees are paid. In addition, a candidate who has not satisfactorily completed any of the following will not be permitted to register and attend classes in the following session until such time as they have been satisfactorily completed:

a)   criminal records check;

b)   health screening;

c)   Hep B immunization;

d)   Student Agreement.

3.6   Assessment

In addition to Generic Undergraduate Regulation §9 the following provisions apply:

a)   A candidate who has failed any part of a diet must present themself for re-examination on the first occasion for which they are eligible.

b)   Failure to comply with stated attendance requirements for the Degree may result in Credit Refused.

c)   Since the degree examinations in the final academic year are a culmination of the integrated core, where a candidate has failed to comply with or not satisfied the requirements of the final year, and cannot remedy this by the end of the academic session, the outcome for that candidate shall be Credit Refused.

d)   For the purposes of all assessments and degree examinations §16.52 of the Code of Assessment for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes does not apply. For the purpose of all assessments and degree examinations, 100% submission of all assessments is required.

e)   A candidate in MBChB V who has not satisfactorily completed all clinical attachments during the academic year will not be permitted to sit the competency-based assessment (CPSA) and will be recorded with Credit Withheld. Where remediation is achieved between the first and second diets, the candidate will be permitted to sit the competency-based assessment (CPSA) at the second diet.

4.   Courses Available to Candidates

The courses available to candidates are set out in the programme specification.

5.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

5.1   To be eligible for the award of the Degree a candidate must:

a)   meet the core outcomes set by the General Medical Council;[1]

b)   have attained a grade D3 or D where applicable or above in all summative assessments of MBChB I-V;

c)   by the end of final year, have completed successfully all clinical attachments in MBCHB III-V: the prescribed training and be assessed as competent in resuscitation; the Preparation for Practice block; and, normally a junior elective and a senior elective. The candidate will normally be required to pass all Student Selected Components;

d)   must be in good standing with the University with regard to their Fitness to Practise.

5.2   Distinction

A candidate may be awarded a pass with Distinction in any year, the criteria for each year are set out in the MBChB Moodle.

5.3   Honours and Commendation

The award of MBChB with Honours or with Commendation is determined by a formula detailed in the MBChB Moodle, which incorporates written examinations and competency-based assessments.

6.   Other Information on Awards

6.1   Fitness to Practise

All candidates must observe a standard of behaviour and professional conduct required of the medical practitioner. A candidate in breach of the Code of Professional Conduct for MBChB Students will be subject to Fitness to Practise procedures, which may include referral to the School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing Fitness to Practise Committee. This Committee has the authority to confirm the exclusion of any student whose Fitness to Practise is found to be impaired. (See ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ Regulation 36 of the University Regulations.)

Graduates are entitled to provisional registration with the GMC with a licence to practise, subject to demonstrating to the GMC that their fitness to practise is not impaired.

When applying for registration with GMC candidates are required to complete a declaration of fitness to practise, and the declaration must not be more than three months old. The GMC will consider any issues that call into question a candidate’s fitness to practise. This includes anything that happened before or during the candidate’s undergraduate years, and any decisions made by a Fitness to Practise Panel or University committee/body.

6.2   Attendance

A candidate is required to achieve 100% attendance in all elements of the programme, including instances where the candidate is permitted to repeat a year.

6.3   Absence

A candidate absent through illness must comply with the Student Absence Regulations.

Permission for a candidate to have leave of absence for special circumstances must be obtained from the appropriate Course Director in advance. The Medical School Office should be contacted in the first instance.

Persistent absence will normally result in the candidate being Credit Refused, and may be a matter for consideration under Fitness to Practise rules and regulations.

6.4   Disclaimer

Because of the needs of the Foundation Programme, a candidate must submit a STEP (Supporting Trainees Entering Practice) form to allow the School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing to pass on information to the Dean (Graduate Studies) at the time of graduation (see §6.5).

6.5   General Medical Council (GMC) Registration

Upon graduation a candidate will require provisional registration with the GMC, the conversion of which to full registration requires successful completion of the Foundation Programme. Since the Foundation Programme requires a candidate to work as a medical practitioner it may be necessary, in certain circumstances, for the School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing to pass on information to the Dean (Graduate Studies). Such information could relate to a candidate who is due to graduate but for whom some form of support in their initial postgraduate year might be necessary. The School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing may also pass on information to the GMC as part of the registration process in accordance with the UK provisional registration scheme compliant with the Student Agreement.

6.6   Combined Courses

a)   Degree of BSc (MedSci)

At the end of the third year of the medical curriculum, a candidate may be permitted to undertake as an intercalated programme, the Degree of BSc (MedSci) Honours. Such a candidate will normally resume the medical curriculum in the session immediately following that in which they completed or terminated the programme leading to the Degree of BSc (MedSci).

b)   Degree of BSc

At the end of the third year of the medical curriculum, a candidate may be admitted at the discretion of the College to study for the two year Degree of BSc Honours. Such a candidate will be re-admitted to the medical curriculum provided they resume study in the session immediately following that in which they completed or terminated the BSc programme.

6.7   Electives

The Junior and Senior Electives are intended to permit a candidate to undertake the study in some depth of any aspect of the practice of medicine in recognised clinical specialities including general practice, and public health, which has the approval of the Head of School. Electives may also include research experience in an appropriately supported setting. A candidate will be required to provide written evidence that their attendance and work during the periods of their approved electives have been satisfactory.

6.8   Exit Certificate/Diploma/Degree

6.8.1   With the permission of the Head of the School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, a candidate on the Degree of MBChB may transfer to the regulations for one of the awards in §6.8.2- §6.8.5 and be recommended for an exit award:

i)   if the candidate is unable or will be unable to complete all programme requirements for the award of the MBChB Degree (§5) within the maximum period of study; OR

ii)   if their progress is not considered satisfactory (as determined by the School Progress Committee), e.g. in relation to a candidate’s duration of study relative to the stated maximum period of study (§2) and/or whether a candidate has met additional, stated, School requirements; OR

iii)  if they have indicated in writing to the Head of the School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing that they no longer wish to pursue a curriculum leading to the Degree of MBChB.

Such a candidate, if graduating with an exit award, may not be a candidate for the Degrees of MBChB or BDS, of the University of Glasgow on a future occasion.

6.8.2   Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)

A candidate who has successfully completed the requirements for MBChB IV may transfer to these regulations and graduate with the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours).

6.8.3   Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science

A candidate who has successfully completed the requirements for MBChB III may transfer to these regulations and graduate with the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science.

6.8.4   Diploma of Higher Education (Medical Science)

A candidate who has successfully completed the first two years of the programme of study leading to the Degree of MBChB may transfer to these regulations and be awarded the Diploma of Higher Education (Medical Science).

6.8.5   Certificate of Higher Education (Medical Science)

A candidate who has successfully completed the first year of the programme of study leading to the Degree of MBChB may transfer to these regulations and be awarded the Certificate of Higher Education (Medical Science).

7.   Teaching Dates

For Degree of MBChB teaching dates refer to https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/apg/sessiondates/.

[1] These are published by the GMC.