
Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery


The Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery is governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 606 are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (BVMS) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (the College) as a degree in such designations as may be prescribed by Regulations.

2.   The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 – “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes” together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No 606 – “Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.   The early exit awards of Certificate of Higher Education (Animal Health), Diploma of Higher Education (Animal Health), and Bachelor of Animal Health (BAH) are also included in the Regulations.


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning

1.1    In accordance with Generic Undergraduate Regulation §4 a candidate who has successfully completed a qualification approved by the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine Accredited Prior Learning officer, and who satisfies all other admissions criteria, may be considered for admission and entry to Years 2 or 3 of the degree programme. Such candidates may be asked to complete an additional short University of Glasgow course prior to admission to the programme.

1.2    For the award of Honours and Commendation, ungraded APL credit will not be counted, and therefore the grade point average for candidates with ungraded APL will be calculated only on the basis of credits studied and assessed at the University of Glasgow.

2.   Maximum Period of Study

The degree programme should normally be completed within five academic sessions of the date of registration but under exceptional circumstances six academic sessions. Even where evidence of good cause is presented and accepted, the maximum period of study shall be no more than eight academic sessions from date of registration.

3.   Progress

3.1   Progress requirements for this programme are:

A candidate cannot proceed to the second, third, fourth and final years of the curriculum until they have completed all the prescribed courses and achieved grade D3 or above in the degree examinations in the preceding session. Further, a candidate cannot proceed to the third and final years of the curriculum until they have also achieved grade D or above in the competency assessment in the preceding session.

3.2   Exclusion of Candidate

A candidate may be excluded from further instruction and assessment if:

a)   the candidate does not achieve grade D3 or above in any of the professional assessments on TWO occasions;


b)   the candidate’s progress is not considered satisfactory (as determined by the School Progress Committee), e.g. a candidate’s duration of study, relative to the stated maximum periods of study and/or whether a candidate has met additional, stated, School requirements.

The School Progress Committee shall have the authority to rule on issues of progress, including the authority to set aside the regulations governing exclusion and to permit the candidate to repeat a course. In such cases a candidate will be permitted a further attempt at the assessment at the next available diet and be permitted a resit in the repeat year, if required. Failure to pass the assessment at this diet will result in exclusion.

3.3   Carry Forward

A candidate who is permitted to repeat a year will be allowed to carry forward any assessment in which they have attained grade D3 (D in competency assessment) or above, but only to the following academic session.

However, such a candidate will be required to attend all prescribed elements and undertake all components of assessment in the repeat year, including those that have been successfully completed. A candidate who has achieved grade D3 (D in competency assessment) or above shall undertake such assessments formatively. In circumstances of the carry forward of a D grade or above in competency assessment a candidate is required to submit an up-to-date portfolio showing satisfactory completion of the components of the programme undertaken formatively during the repeat year and including evidence of the resolution of any support flag issued.

An assessment for which a candidate previously attained grade D3 (D in competency assessment) or above and which is required to be re-taken beyond the carry forward period will be capped at the grade achieved at the previous attempt.

The above provision for carry forward is not available where the candidate has received a result of Credit Refused or is repeating BVMS 5 (Professional Phase).

4.   Courses Available to Candidates

All courses are compulsory and are designated in the programme specification

In addition, the candidate must complete extramural studies (EMS) as defined by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

For students entering from 2013-14 onwards

All students must complete and document Pre-Clinical EMS before commencement of the Clinical Phase in year 3 of the programme. Students who fail to complete and document their Pre-Clinical EMS in the first diet for BVMS 2 (Foundation Phase) will have the opportunity to re-submit for the second diet.

5.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

5.1   Award of a Certificate of Higher Education (Animal Health)

A candidate who has completed all first year courses at grade D3 or above shall be eligible to receive a Certificate of Higher Education (Animal Health). A candidate who proceeds to a diploma or degree in any College will not be eligible for the Certificate.

5.2   Award of a Diploma of Higher Education (Animal Health)

A candidate who has completed all first year and second year courses at grade D3 (D in competency assessment) or above shall be eligible to receive a Diploma of Higher Education (Animal Health). A candidate who proceeds to a degree in any College will not be eligible for the Diploma.

5.3   Award of a Degree of Bachelor of Animal Health

a)   A candidate who has completed the first three years of the curriculum for the Degree of BVMS and has achieved grade D3 or above in the degree examinations prescribed for these courses may be recommended for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Animal Health.

b)   Such a candidate, if graduating with the Degree of Bachelor of Animal Health, may not be a candidate either for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Science or for the Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery, of the University of Glasgow on a future occasion.

5.4   Award of a Degree of Bachelor of Animal Health (Honours)

a)   A candidate who has successfully completed the requirements for BVMS 4 (with the exception of the extramural studies requirement) may be recommended for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Animal Health (Honours).

b)   A candidate may be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Animal Health (Honours):

i)   if they are unable or will be unable to complete the Final Professional Examination before the completion of their eighth session of study for the Degree of BVMS; OR

ii)   if they have indicated in writing to the Head of School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine that they no longer wish to pursue a curriculuml leading to the Degree of BVMS.

c)   Such a candidate, if graduating with the Degree of Bachelor of Animal Health (Honours), may not be a candidate either for the Degree of BSc (VetSci) or for the Degree of BVMS at the University of Glasgow on a future occasion.

5.5   Degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery

To be eligible for award of the Degree a candidate must:

a)   have completed all five years of the BVMS programme and achieved grade D3 or above in all of the prescribed courses, and grade D or above in the competency assessments; and

b)   have completed all extramural studies; and

c)   be in good standing with the University with regard to their Fitness to Practise.

5.6   Honours and Commendation

A BVMS with Honours or Commendation may be awarded to a candidate based on their performance throughout the programme. Honours will be awarded to a candidate who achieves an aggregate result of grade A, based upon the results obtained at the first diet of assessment in each course.  Commendation will be awarded to a candidate who achieves an aggregate result of grade B, based upon the results obtained at the first diet of assessment in each course.

6.   Other Information on Awards

6.1   Code of Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise

A candidate for the Degree of BVMS is required to assent to the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine Code of Professional Conduct. Any candidate who refuses to do so will be denied access to extramural studies. A candidate in breach of the Code will be subject to Fitness to Practise procedures which may include referral to the School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine Fitness to Practise committee. (See ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ Regulation 36 of the University Regulations.)

6.2   Assessment

In addition to Generic Undergraduate Regulation §9 the following provisions apply:

a)   Prescribed Components of an Assessment

To achieve a grade D3 in a course which utilises components of assessment or more than one instrument of assessment a candidate may, where it is specified, be required to obtain, for all components/instruments of assessment, a grade D3 or above.

For the purposes of all assessments and degree examinations §16.52 of the Code of Assessment for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes does not apply. For the purpose of all assessments and degree examinations, 100% submission of components of assessments is required.

b)   A candidate who has failed any part of a diet must present themself for re-examination on the first occasion for which they are eligible. The grade awarded as a result of the resit examination shall be no higher than grade D3 (D in professional clinical skills examinations).

6.3   Combined Programmes

a)   Degree of BSc (VetSci)

At the end of the third year of the BVMS programme, a candidate may be permitted to undertake as an intercalated programme, the Degree of BSc (VetSci) Honours. Such a candidate will normally resume the BVMS programme in the session immediately following that in which they completed or terminated the programme leading to the Degree of BSc (VetSci).

b)   Degree of BSc

At the end of the second or third year of the BVMS programme, a candidate may be admitted at the discretion of the College to study for the two year intercalated Degree of BSc Honours. Such a candidate will be re-admitted to the BVMS programme provided they resume study in the session immediately following that in which they completed or terminated the BSc programme.

c)   Masters Degrees

At the end of the third or fourth year of the BVMS programme, a candidate may be admitted to study the one year intercalated Masters of Research (MRes). At the end of the fourth year of the BVMS programme, a candidate may be admitted to study for one of the following one year intercalated Masters degrees: MSc (Veterinary Science) by research, or a recommended Taught Masters Programme (MSc). Admission is at the discretion of the College. Such a candidate will be re-admitted to the BVMS programme provided they resume study in the session immediately following that in which they completed or terminated the Masters programme.

d)   These Degrees will not be recognised as conveying a right to membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

7.   Teaching Dates

For Degree of BVMS teaching dates refer to  https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/apg/sessiondates/.

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