
Graduate Certificate in Burns &  Plastic Surgery Care for Adults and Paediatrics


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning

1.1   A maximum exemption of 20 credits may be granted for equivalent prior learning (APL) to candidates who are able to provide verified evidence of their ability to achieve the intended learning outcomes of the course(s) for which they are seeking exemption, through successful completion of equivalent courses in the three years proceeding application.

1.2   A fee will be charged for the accreditation process.

1.3   The programme requires an entrance requirement of a recognised health care professional qualification at diploma level or above together with current membership of a health care professional body.

2.   General Structure and Assessment of the Graduate Certificate

2.1   All courses, set out in the programme specification for the programme, are compulsory. The courses can be taken in any order within the maximum period of study set out in §3.2. Ongoing patient contact is mandatory for undertaking specified aspects of the programme.

2.2   For each academic session, assessment and reassessment are, in so far as not modified by these regulations, governed by the Code of Assessment which is contained in the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Regulations published for that session.

3.   Period of Study

3.1   The course of study for the Graduate Certificate in Burns & Plastic Surgery Care for Adults and Paediatrics shall normally extend over a minimum of one year of part time academic study.

3.2   The course must be completed within three years of the date of first registration on the programme.

4.   Progress

4.1   A candidate may not normally proceed to take courses in the following academic year within the maximum period of study until they have attained a grade D3 or above in any course(s) taken in the preceding academic year.

4.2   A candidate who has failed to achieve a minimum of grade D3 in any course after two attempts may be required to attend the School Progress Committee. Such a candidate may be permitted one further attempt at the assessment under such conditions as the School Progress Committee may impose.

4.3   Temporary withdrawal from the programme. A candidate who chooses to withdraw from the programme temporarily must apply to the Programme Director for readmission to the programme.

5.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Certificate

5.1   To be eligible for the award, all candidates are required to be on a recognised health professional qualification register. A candidate who has completed courses totalling at least 60 credits and achieved a grade D3 or above in each shall qualify for the Graduate Certificate in Burns & Plastic Surgery Care for Adults and Paediatrics.

5.2   The Certificate will be awarded with Merit where the grade point average is at least 12.0 and Distinction where the grade point average[1] is at least 15.0, provided this is achieved at the first sitting and the requirements of §5.1 are also met.

6.   Other Information on Awards

Any course within the programme may be studied as stand-alone credit-bearing CPD.

[1] The grade point average is determined with reference to the schedule of grades and grade points contained in Schedule A and Schedule B of the University’s Code of Assessment. The grade point average is calculated by taking the product of each course’s weight and the candidate’s grade points and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the courses’ weights. The weights shall correspond to the courses’ credit ratings unless specified otherwise in the relevant programme documentation. The grade point average is expressed to one decimal place (§16.34(a) of the Code of Assessment). In determining whether a candidate has achieved a required grade point average, no further rounding is permitted. For example, a candidate achieving a grade point average of 8.9 would not satisfy a requirement for a grade point average of 9.0.

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