
Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery


The Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery is governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 603 are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences (the College) as a degree in such designations as may be prescribed by Regulations.

2.   The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 - “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes” together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No. 603 - “Degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.   The early exit awards of Certificate of Higher Education (Dental Science), Diploma of Higher Education (Dental Science), and the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSci) are included in the Regulations.


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning 

Further to Generic Undergraduate Regulation §4, a candidate who holds an approved medical fellowship in addition to the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, and who satisfies all other admissions criteria, may be permitted to enter second year of the BDS Degree.

Study in another University or Dental School may be recognised as contributing to the minimum required period of study, at the discretion of the Head of the Dental School and provided that the institution concerned is approved for this purpose by the University Court, after consultation with Senate.

2.   Maximum Period of Study

The degree programme should normally be completed within five academic sessions of the date of registration but under exceptional circumstances six academic sessions. Even where evidence of good cause is presented and accepted, the maximum period of study shall normally be no more than eight academic sessions from date of registration. The maximum duration of study is not inclusive of intercalating degrees and one repeat of Year 5.

3.   Progress

Generic Undergraduate Regulations §10 and §11 apply with the following additional requirements:

3.1   A candidate may not proceed to any stage of the curriculum until they have attained a grade D or above in each component of the examinations for the preceding stage. Additional requirements for progression are set out in the relevant Course Information Document. These shall include attainment of ‘competence’ in relation to the specified Competence Assessments, together with demonstration of satisfactory progress when measured by both volume and quality of clinical experience as determined by the Clinical Development Panel in accordance with guidance in the Course Information Document.

3.2   Re-Assessment

a)   Course Information Documents shall stipulate when and where a re-sit candidate may carry to the re-sit diet a grade or grades of D or above in components of an examination. A re-sit candidate must fulfil any conditions of further study which the Dental School may prescribe prior to readmission to a professional examination.

b)   A candidate who has failed any part of a diet must present themself for re-examination on the first occasion for which they are eligible.

3.3   The School Progress Committee shall have the authority to rule on issues of progress, including the authority to set aside the regulations governing exclusion and to permit a candidate to repeat a year of the programme.

3.4   A candidate shall normally be excluded:

a)   If they fail to attain a grade D or above in the professional examinations at the end of first, second, third or fourth years after two attempts.

b)   If they will be unable to fulfil the requirements of the BDS5 course, as set out in the Course Information Document, before the end of their sixth session in the study of Dentistry.

3.5   Any candidate refusing to assent to the Code of Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise (see §6.3) will be denied access to teaching, assessment and professional experience.

3.6   Repeat Year

A candidate who is permitted to repeat a year will not be allowed to carry forward any assessment grade from the relevant course, whether or not a pass grade has been attained. Such a candidate will be required to undertake all assessments and obtain a grade D3 (D in clinical examinations) or above after a maximum of two attempts, and to satisfy all other published requirements for successful completion of the course, during the repeat year.

4.   Courses Available to Candidates

The courses available to candidates are as set out in the programme specification.

5.   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

5.1   To be eligible for the award of BDS:

a)   A candidate must attain grade D or above in each of the three components which constitute the Final professional examinations and satisfy additional requirements set out in the Course Information Document.

b)  A candidate must be in good standing with the University with regard to their Fitness to Practise.

c)   For the purposes of all assessments and degree examinations §16.52 of the Code of Assessment for Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Programmes does not apply.

5.2   Honours and Commendation

The Degree of BDS may be awarded with Honours or Commendation to candidates who have shown special merit throughout the course and in professional examinations.

The award of BDS with Honours or BDS with Commendation is determined by a formula, detailed in the BDS Handbook, which incorporates every examination result throughout the BDS programme and the elective grade. The candidate’s first attempt at an examination will be counted.

5.3   Elective Study

A candidate must complete an elective study project, the reporting of which shall be included as a poster presentation. Protocols must be approved by an elective supervisor prior to the study period. Where the elective project involves a period of study outwith Glasgow, an appropriate local supervisor must be chosen and approved by the Convener of the Electives Committee. The candidate must produce written evidence of satisfactory attendance and work during the elective period spent away from the Dental School.

5.4   Exit Degree/Diploma/Certificate

5.4.1  With the permission of the Head of the School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, a candidate on the Degree of BDS may transfer to the regulations for one of the awards in §5.4.4-§5.4.7 below and be recommended for an exit award:

i)  if they are unable or will be unable to complete the Final Professional Examination before the completion of their eighth session of study for the Degree BDS; or

ii)  if they have indicated in writing to the Head of the School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing that they no longer wish to pursue a curriculum leading to the Degree of BDS.

5.4.2  Exit awards (degree/diploma/certificate) are not recognised as registrable qualifications carrying the right to admission to the Dentist Register.

5.4.3  A candidate graduating with an exit award may not be a candidate for the Degrees of BSc (MedSci) (Hons), BSc (MedSci), BSc (DentSci), MBChB or BDS, or Diploma of Higher Education (Dental Science) of the University of Glasgow on a future occasion.

5.4.4   Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)

A candidate who has successfully completed the requirements for BDS4 may be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours).

5.4.5   Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science

A candidate who has successfully completed the requirements for BDS3 may be awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science.

5.4.6   Diploma of Higher Education (Dental Science)

A candidate who has successfully completed the requirements for BDS2 and received a satisfactory mentor’s report in respect of BDS2 may be awarded the Diploma of Higher Education (Dental Science).

5.4.7   Certificate of Higher Education (Dental Science)

A candidate who has successfully completed the requirements for BDS1 and received a satisfactory mentor’s report in respect of BDS1 may be awarded the Certificate of Higher Education (Dental Science).

6.   Other Information on Awards

6.1   A candidate who has temporarily withdrawn from the BDS programme on medical or other grounds may be readmitted to study at the discretion of the Head of the Dental School. Where readmission is permitted the Head shall determine, on advice, the appropriate point for re-entry and the conditions of study which shall apply.

6.2   Attendance and Absence

100% attendance in all elements of the programme is expected of all candidates, including those permitted to repeat a year. A candidate absent through illness must comply with the Student Absence Regulations. Requests for leave of absence for other reasons should be submitted to the Director of Dental Education in writing at least three weeks in advance. 

Persistent absence will normally be a matter for consideration under Fitness to Practise rules and regulations.

6.3   Code of Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise

All candidates must observe a standard of behaviour and professional conduct required of the dental practitioner. The Dental School has a Code of Professional Conduct and Fitness to Practise which a candidate is required to assent to on entry to the programme and at the beginning of each year of study thereafter. Any candidate who refuses to do so will be denied access to teaching, assessment and professional experience. A candidate in breach of that Code will be subject to Fitness to Practise procedures which may include referral to the School Fitness to Practise Committee. (See Regulation 36 of the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Regulations.)

6.4   Intercalated Degrees

Candidates may be selected on the basis of academic merit to study for a one year intercalated BSc (Honours) (DentSci) after a minimum of three years study in the BDS programme. Selection will be at the discretion of the College and the School within which the intercalated degree programme is offered.

7.   Teaching Dates

For Degree of BDS teaching dates refer to https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/apg/sessiondates/.

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