
Degree of Master of Arts


The Degree of Master of Arts is governed by Resolutions of the University Court. The provisions of Resolution No. 582 supporting the Generic Undergraduate Regulations are set out with those Regulations. The provisions of Resolution No. 583 are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Master of Arts (MA) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow in the College of Arts & Humanities (the College) as a Degree in such designations as may be prescribed by Regulations.

2.   The award of the Degree shall be governed by Resolution No. 582 - “Generic Regulations for the award of Degrees gained by the successful completion of Undergraduate Programmes” together with such Supplementary Regulations as are contained in this Resolution No. 583 - “Degree of Master of Arts”. The Supplementary Regulations are set out in the Schedule of Regulations attached to this Resolution.

3.   The Degree may be awarded either as a Degree of Master of Arts (General Humanities), or as a General Degree, or as a Degree with Honours in such single subjects or pairs of subjects, or with Gaelic Immersion as may be prescribed by Regulation. The early exit award of Diploma of Higher Education is also included in the Regulations. The early exit award of Certificate of Higher Education (General Humanities) shall be governed by the Generic Undergraduate Regulations. 


1.   Recognition of Prior Learning

1.1   Certain non-university examinations may permit entry with advanced standing as follows: a candidate who, at first presentation, has gained grade A in three different A-levels or Advanced Highers, and who intends to proceed to an MA Honours degree, may enter the second year of study if the three A-levels or Advanced Highers correspond to subjects available in the College of Arts & Humanities and if the candidate is permitted by Heads of School to enter appropriate level 2 courses in at least two of them. These provisions may also obtain for a candidate holding overseas qualifications, provided that the College deems it appropriate.

1.2   A graduate of this University holding an MA ordinary degree or a designated MA General Humanities degree may, if they have fulfilled the requirements for admission to Junior Honours in a subject or subjects recognised for the study of the degree of Master of Arts with Honours, and at the discretion of the Head(s) of the School(s) concerned, be admitted to Junior Honours in that subject or those subjects.

1.3   A graduate with another degree of the University of Glasgow or with a degree of another University or institution of tertiary education recognised for this purpose may with the approval of the College be admitted to the curriculum for Honours in a subject or subjects and may be exempted from not more than two years thereof, provided always that they shall have studied the Honours subject or subjects for at least three years, of which the Junior and Senior Honours years must be in this University, and that the College is satisfied that the content of the course or courses and standard of the graduate’s assessed performance in the subject or subjects in the other University or institution are equivalent to that of a corresponding course or corresponding courses and to the assessment standard in this University.

1.4   Generic Undergraduate Regulation §4.1 applies, except that a graduate of this University, or of another University or institution of tertiary education recognised for this purpose, who is admitted to the College of Arts & Humanities to complete an MA General Humanities degree may be permitted to count towards a minimum graduating curriculum courses which have formed part of the curriculum for their previous degree and which are deemed by the College of Arts & Humanities to equate to a maximum of 120 credits.

1.5  A student who is admitted to study, either full-time or part-time, and has previously completed credit-bearing courses in Short Courses within the University of Glasgow may transfer in a maximum of 240 credits towards a degree programme. Only credits for courses which have been awarded A-D may be included in a transfer of credits, and credits from the Access programme will not be transferred.

Transferred credit may be in any one subject as follows:

up to 140 credits if these include level 3 credits;

up to 120 credits if these include level 2 credits;

up to 80 credits if these include only level 1 credits.

At least 120 further credits must be completed from courses taught by Schools within the College of Arts & Humanities.

2.   Maximum Period of Study

2.1   A full-time candidate for the MA degree with Honours shall normally complete courses of study in the single subject or pair of subjects over no more than six academic sessions (or seven, if there is a requirement for a year abroad or an immersion year) and shall include study at the Honours level in a Junior Honours year and a Senior Honours year.

2.2   A part-time candidate for the MA degree with Honours shall complete courses of study in the single subject or pair of subjects extending over at least five academic sessions normally including at least three sessions and no more than five sessions of study at the Honours standard. The overall maximum period of study for a part-time candidate for the MA degree with Honours shall normally be 11 academic sessions (or 12 if there is a requirement for a year abroad or an immersion year). Where both full-time and part-time study is involved, two sessions of part-time study shall be deemed equivalent to one session of full-time study.

2.3   The maximum period of study for the completion of the MA General Humanities degree by a full-time candidate shall be five academic sessions. A candidate may continue with their studies provided that they comply with the progress regulations set out in §3.

2.4   The maximum period of study for the completion of the MA General Humanities degree by a part-time candidate shall normally be 10 academic sessions. Where both full-time and part-time study is involved, two sessions of part-time study shall be deemed equivalent to one session of full-time study.

3.   Progress

Further to Generic Undergraduate Regulations §10 and §11, the following applies:

3.1   The minimum requirements for progress to a succeeding year of study for a full-time candidate are as follows:

After one session: The candidate must have obtained at least 80 credits, of which at least 60 must be at grade D3 or above and achieved a grade point average[1] of at least 9.0.
After two sessions: The candidate must have obtained at least 180 credits of which at least 100 must be at grade D3 or above and achieved a grade point average of at least 9.0. At least 40 credits must be at level 2.
After three sessions:

The candidate must have obtained:

240 credits with a minimum grade point average of 9.0;

160 credits at grade D3 or above;

80 credits at level 2 or above.

3.2   Further Rules about Progress for Full-time Candidates at Non-Honours Level

3.2.1   Unless in any one session a full-time candidate obtains grade points from courses totalling at least 40 credits, they will normally be excluded from further attendance in the College.

3.2.2   A full-time candidate who has failed to complete the minimum requirements for any one session, and who has not been excluded, shall normally be suspended from full-time attendance but shall be automatically permitted to enrol as a part-time candidate. A candidate thus suspended from full-time attendance shall thereafter be permitted to resume full-time attendance provided that they have fulfilled the relevant minimum requirements for progress. For the purpose of this regulation two sessions of part-time study shall be deemed equivalent to one session of full-time study. 

3.2.3   In exceptional circumstances and after consideration of all the relevant evidence, it shall be open to the College Progress Committee to permit a candidate to re-enrol as a full-time candidate for a repeat year of study, in which case they shall be subject to the minimum requirements for progress of the particular year of the degree curriculum which has been repeated.

3.2.4   Modern Languages Degree Language Year Abroad: a candidate will not normally be permitted to undertake a Modern Languages Language Year Abroad before they have met the Subject and University requirements for Honours entry given in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §15.1, and §3.3.1.

3.3   Entry to Honours

The following requirements apply in addition to those set out in Generic Undergraduate Regulation §15.1

3.3.1   Completion of at least 80 credits at level 2 or above representing at least two subjects.

3.3.2   Completion of 120 credits from courses offered within the College of Arts & Humanities. For students on a Single or Joint Honours degree programme that includes Geography, Mathematics or Psychology, level 1 credits in the subject of the degree will be accepted as contributing to the fulfilment of this requirement.

3.3.3   In the case of a candidate who transfers from another College to enter the curriculum of the Degree of Master of Arts at Honours level, qualifying courses will normally include at least 80 credits from courses offered within the College of Arts & Humanities, of which at least 40 credits should be at level 2. For students transferring to programmes including Geography, Mathematics or Psychology, §3.3.2 will apply.

3.3.4   Exceptionally, a candidate who does not meet all of the requirements may be offered admission to Honours if the Head of School (or their nominee) judges that in other respects the candidate’s previous performance offers a reasonable prospect of the candidate reaching the minimum standard required for the award to which admission is granted. A candidate admitted to Honours under these circumstances may be required by the Head of College to complete the missing requirements before being permitted to proceed to Senior Honours.

3.3.5   Entry into the Modern Languages Honours programme is normally conditional on satisfactory completion of a Language Year Abroad. In exceptional circumstances, students may be granted exemption from this requirement by the Head of School in SMLC.

3.3.6  Entry into an Honours programme '(with Gaelic Immersion)' is normally conditional on completion of at least 120 credits of Gaelic Immersion with a grade C3 or above in each course contributing to the total.

3.4   Progress within Honours

A full-time candidate must complete the requirements of Generic Undergraduate Regulation §10.2. A part-time Honours candidate must complete a minimum of 40 credits of assessment in each of the part-time Honours years of study to be allowed to progress, but progression may be refused, as for a full-time candidate, where performance in the preceding Honours year(s) has been unsatisfactory.

4.   Recognised Qualifying Courses

4.1   Subject to the approval of Senate, the College of Arts & Humanities shall approve and recognise courses qualifying towards MA degree programmes, and courses qualifying as core courses for specifically designated General Humanities MA degrees. These qualifying courses shall be published online annually by the College of Arts & Humanities.

4.2   A non-Honours 20-credit qualifying course in the College of Arts & Humanities shall normally consist of not fewer than 30 scheduled hours for each candidate attending, in the form of either meetings of the full class, or meetings of one or more candidates for tutorials or other instruction or both. The minimum number of scheduled hours for a 40-credit course shall normally be 60.

4.3   An Honours 20-credit qualifying course in the College of Arts & Humanities shall normally consist of not fewer than 20 scheduled hours for each candidate attending, in the form of either meetings of the full class, or meetings of one or more candidates for seminars or other instruction, or both. The minimum number of scheduled hours for a 30-credit Honours course shall normally be 30. The minimum number of scheduled hours for a 40-credit Honours course shall normally be 40. The only exception to this regulation is any Honours course which fulfils the requirement for independent study as part of an Honours degree.

5.   Requirements for the Award of MA (Honours), MA Designated Degrees, and the Diploma of Higher Education

5.1   Diplomas of Higher Education and designated MA General Humanities degrees shall carry a designation reflecting the broad subject area in which a minimum number of the required credits have been gained, in accordance with stated schemes for specifically designated awards as set out in §5.3 and §5.4.

5.2   Degree of MA (Honours)

5.2.1   The Degree of MA (Honours) is available in the single subjects and combinations of subjects set out in the Appendix to these regulations.

5.2.2   To be eligible for the award of an Honours degree including a Modern Language, in addition to satisfying the University generic undergraduate regulations for award of an Honours degree, the candidate must normally have obtained a total of at least 600 credits, including at least 120 credits of approved Language Study Abroad, usually completed as Year 3 of study. Candidates must also obtain a grade of D3 or above in both the Senior Honours core Written and core Spoken language courses of their named degree. If they do not obtain a D3, but meet all other requirements for the award of an Honours degree, they will be awarded the MA with Honours in Culture Studies ['Modern Language(s)'].

5.2.3   To be eligible for the award of an Honours degree '(with Gaelic Immersion)', in addition to satisfying the University generic regulations for an Honours degree, the candidate must have obtained a total of at least 600 credits, including at least 120 credits of Gaelic Immersion at grade C3 or above, usually completed at Year 3 of study.

5.2.4   At least 120 credits over the candidate’s first two years of study must be from courses offered within the College of Arts & Humanities. Only courses listed in the Course Catalogue which are offered by Schools in the College of Arts & Humanities are qualifying courses for the fulfilment of this regulation. For students on a Single or Joint Honours degree programme that includes Geography, Mathematics or Psychology, level 1 credits in the subject of the degree will be accepted as contributing to the fulfilment of this requirement.

5.2.5   In the case of a candidate who transfers from another College to enter the curriculum of the MA (Honours) in Year 3, qualifying courses in Years 1 and 2 will include at least 80 credits in courses taught by the Schools in the College of Arts & Humanities, of which at least 40 credits should be at level 2.

5.2.6   The weighting of courses for the calculation of the final Honours degree classification will normally follow the credit weighting of those courses in the Junior and Senior years of the Honours programme. Exceptions to this are noted below with the Junior Honours year and Senior Honours year respective weightings given in brackets.

Archaeology (40:60), English Literature (40:60).

A Joint Honours degree with subjects outside the College of Arts & Humanities may also be subject to differential percentage contributions.

5.3   Designated MA General Humanities Degrees

5.3.1   Further to Generic Undergraduate Regulation §14.1, within the 360 credits required for an MA designated degree:

a)   At least 180 credits shall be derived from the stated group of core subjects from which a particular MA degree derives its designation.

b)   Overall at least three subjects shall be represented, with at least 40 credits being derived from each.

c)   In the case of at least two of these three subjects there shall be, in each, courses (which may include recognised cognate subjects) carrying a total of at least 80 credits including at least 40 at level 2. Of these two subjects at least one must be drawn from the group of core subjects.

d)   Of the 60 credits required from courses at level 3, at least 20 credits shall be derived from the group of core subjects. It shall be possible for a maximum of 20 credits at level 3 to be derived from an extended essay or a project undertaken in the third year of study.

e)   120 credits of Language Year Abroad study undertaken in accordance with Honours regulations for Modern Languages degrees will not count towards satisfying the requirements of this degree.  

5.3.2   Generic Undergraduate Regulation §14.2 shall not apply. Instead the award of Merit shall require a grade point average[1] of at least 12.0 both overall and in the core; and the award of Distinction shall require a grade point average of at least 15.0 both overall and in the core. The core subjects for each designated degree and any further specific requirement relating to it are listed in the programme specification for the relevant programme.

5.4   Diploma of Higher Education

5.4.1   Further to Generic Undergraduate Regulation §13.1, where at least 160 credits have been gained at grade D3 or above from courses belonging to the group of core subjects for a designated MA  degree, the candidate shall be eligible to receive the Diploma of Higher Education bearing the designation of that degree. Otherwise the candidate shall be awarded the Diploma of Higher Education with the designation ‘General Humanities’.

5.4.2   Further to Generic Undergraduate Regulation §13.2, where the Diploma of Higher Education is being awarded with a designation corresponding to the designation of a particular MA degree, it shall be awarded with Merit where the grade point average is 12.0 both overall and in the courses governing the particular designation, and with Distinction where the grade point average is 15.0 both overall and in the courses governing the particular designation.

6.   Other Information on Awards

6.1   Further to Generic Undergraduate Regulation §16.1, a candidate for a Joint Honours degree in the College of Arts & Humanities shall not be permitted to complete a piece of independent work in each of the subjects of the Joint Honours degree as part of the Honours curriculum. Such a candidate may, however, with the permission of the Head of each subject area concerned, complete a single piece of independent work drawing on and counting towards both subjects from the Joint Honours degree.

6.2   Waiving of Prerequisites [see Generic Undergraduate Regulation §7]

6.2.1   In the case of a candidate who, at first presentation, has gained grade A at A-level or Advanced Higher in an appropriate subject, the relevant Head of School or representative has discretion to grant the candidate permission to enter a level 2 course, or, in the case of a candidate holding grade A or B at A-level or Advanced Higher, permission to enter a level 1 course, although the candidate has not completed the requisite preceding course(s). The holding of a grade A or B at A-level or Advanced Higher does not confer credit or shorten the duration of study for the purposes of the minimum graduating curriculum. However in the case of a candidate who, at first presentation, has gained grade A in three different A-levels or Advanced Highers or holds equivalent overseas qualifications, see §1.1.

6.2.2   Exceptionally, and where there is good academic reason, a Head of School or representative, in consultation with the Chief Adviser of Studies, may admit to a course a candidate who has not fulfilled the normal prerequisites for the course if the candidate has satisfactorily completed courses at the University in another related subject or other related subjects, or if the candidate provides other evidence of suitability for admission to the course.

Appendix: Honours Subjects

The recognised single subjects and pairs of subjects of study for Honours are given in the following lists:

i)   Single Honours

Single Honours may currently be taken in the subjects listed below. Other subjects available at Honours level in the College, for example, Celtic Civilisation, must be combined with another subject for Joint Honours.

Ancient History German
Archaeology Greek
Celtic Studies History
Celtic Studies with Gaelic Immersion History of Art
Classics Italian
Comparative Literature Latin
Creative Arts & Industries Mathematics
Digital Media & Information Studies Music
English Language & Linguistics Philosophy
English Literature Psychology
Film & Television Studies Scottish Literature
French Spanish
Gaelic Theatre Studies
Gaelic with Immersion Theology & Religious Studies

ii)   Joint Honours

Permitted combinations for Joint Honours are published on the University Website.

However, it may be possible for Joint Honours to be taken in a combination of subjects which is not advertised, provided the timetable permits this. Enquiries from current students should be addressed to arts-advising@glasgow.ac.uk

iii)   Part-time

Part-time study at Honours level may not be available in all subjects. Any candidate wishing to undertake a part-time Honours degree should establish from the relevant Head(s) of School whether part-time provision is available and shall submit to the relevant Head(s) of School an outline of the entire proposed Honours curriculum and timescale for provisional approval.

[1] The grade point average is determined with reference to the schedule of grades and grade points contained in Schedule A and Schedule B of the University’s Code of Assessment. The grade point average is calculated by taking the product of each course’s weight and the candidate’s grade points and dividing the sum of these products by the sum of the courses’ weights. The weights shall correspond to the courses’ credit ratings unless specified otherwise in the relevant programme documentation. The grade point average is expressed to one decimal place (§16.34(a) of the Code of Assessment). In determining whether a candidate has achieved a required grade point average, no further rounding is permitted. For example, a candidate achieving a grade point average of 8.9 would not satisfy a requirement for a grade point average of 9.0.

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