National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) was established in Athens in 1837 and is the first university not only of Greece but both the Balkan Peninsula and the Eastern Mediterranean region. NKUA is an integral part of the modern Greek academic and intellectual tradition having more than 60,000 undergraduate and post-graduate students at the moment. It is a learner-focused and research-oriented public university covering a wide spectrum of scientific fields. Its vision is to promote excellence in education and innovation in research, scholarly and other creative endeavours and also be actively involved with local, national and global communities.

Athens is one of the world's oldest cities, with its recorded history spanning over 3,400 years. Now a global city and one of the biggest economic centres in south-eastern Europe. Birthplace of democracy, philosophy and drama, the city of Athens is not only an open-air museum of world-class cultural heritage attractions, but also a contemporary metropolis with an urban personality.

European University Alliance partner - CIVIS

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the University of Glasgow are both members of the European University Alliance CIVIS

Programme partner

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree: International Master in South European Studies

Mobility partner

>> Information for incoming students

Estimated number of places

  • 1-3 full-year places or 2-6 semester places

Available Subject Areas

Please ensure that you research the courses available to you as an exchange student, and check with your subject coordinator(s) that these courses are suitable for your Glasgow degree programme. Please note that partner course offerings may change on a yearly basis.

Please research course level; content and assessment structures; partner academic pre-requisites for exchange students; whether enough courses / credits are available in your degree subject(s) to meet your Glasgow degree credit requirements; language of teaching and for Joint Honours students, whether the partner has any restrictions on taking courses from different Schools/Faculties.

  • Classics
  • Economics
  • Politics and International Relations

Key information 

  • Language of teaching: mostly Greek, some courses in English. UofG students should ensure that all required courses are taught in a language in which they are at least proficient at B2 level. 
  • Grade system: 0-10
  • Course Listing 
  • International student support unit

Travel and costs

Useful weblinks