The podcast series is designed to appeal to academic, industry and policy audiences, interested in learning about and advancing consumer clothing longevity, within a circular economic system. It can be downloaded as audio podcasts, and videos can be viewed on the UofG website. On the website, you can also view copies of photos, infographic images, and props referred to within the film series.

Each podcast is designed to unpack the key learnings from the thesis by engaging in discussions with the research collaborators, cited scholars and participants.

Ep 1 - This episode starts by introducing the inspiration of the thesis and the research collaborators. Dr Lynn Wilson will also be joined by Professor Deirdre Shaw, Univeristy of Glasgow Adam Smith Business School and Rob Harrison, ECRA.

Ep 2 - Episode 2 explores the literature and reports examined during Dr Wilson’s PhD, which provided the evidence, and supported the rationale to undertake the research. In this podcast, Dr Wilson is joined by Walter Stahel, author of The Circular Economy A User’s Guide, which provided key context for undertaking the research and Bettina Heller, from the United Nations Environment Programme authors of the Sustainability and Circularity in the Textile Value Chain Report (UNEP, 2021), mapping out the circular supply chain, emphasising the need for post-consumer clothing circularity through holistic business and industrial solutions. The PhD thesis, argued, that contrary to Stahel’s mantra – ‘The Circular economy begins with YOU’, the UNEP report, still side-lines consumers as part of the value chain, whereas the research provides evidence that consumers need to be placed at the centre of the circular economy.

Ep 3 - Episode 3 explores the theoretical lens applied to the research - Contamination Theory (Rachman, 2004). Dr Wilson is joined by Professor Deirdre Shaw and special guest Professor Linda Price, University of Wyoming, a leading international scholar in consumer research, who is currently investigating consumer dirt experiences and former editor of the Journal of Consumer Research

Ep 4 - Episode 4 explores the methodology applied to the research, which was a qualitative, ethnographic approach. Dr Wilson and Professor Shaw are joined by Professor Sophie Woodward, from the University of Manchester, a leading anthropology scholar who has been working in the consumption and clothing field for over 20 years and has published extensively.

Ep 5 -  In this episode, Dr Wilson explores the findings from the research, collected from consumer and industry interviews conducted in 2020, in conversation with two participants of the research project. Laura Russell a consumer participant, is also a professional personal stylist and Alan Wheeler, CEO of the UK, Textile Recycling Association, represents textile recycling companies in the UK

Ep 6 - The 6th and final episode in the series explores the contributions, and recommendations from the thesis with the research advisors, Professor Shaw, and Dr Katherine Duffy. Key learnings from the thesis will be shared, as well as the next steps and future projects and research planned.

Watch all six episodes on Youtube

First published: 8 March 2023