Housing retrofit is an essential part of the UK’s Net Zero ambition. While we need to stop using fossil fuel energy in favour of renewable sources, improving the energy efficiency of housing can lower our consumption of energy overall.

Reducing demand by both using less fuel, and extensively insulating to improve efficiency, are the first priorities of the 'Energy Hierarchy': a commitment of several devolved and regional administrations in the UK, including Glasgow City Council, the Mayor of London and the Welsh Government.

This briefing paper highlights the interconnected policy priorities that retrofitting homes can contribute to Net Zero and takes a Whole Systems Approach to retrofitting as a public health issue. This public health dimension complements work already underway in the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) and plans for Phase 2 around housing retrofit.

Dr Annika Hjelmskog is a Research Associate at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, based at the University of Glasgow. Her work is focussed on the health and wellbeing of both people and the planet, and is currently working on a collaborative City Portrait for Glasgow that applies Doughnut Economics at the city level. This transdisciplinary project is being undertaken with partners in multiple sectors, and will capture a multi-dimensional, pluralistic understanding of what 'thriving' means in the context of Glasgow.

Read the policy briefing on the CACHE website

First published: 21 June 2022