Dr David Waite, University of Glasgow, outlines the recent discussion note he has co-authored with Professor Andy Pike, Newcastle University, and Professor Graeme Roy, University of Glasgow, which explores the opportunities and challenges presented by City Deals, reflecting on experiences in the UK and Australia.

A discussion is emerging in New Zealand about the potential of City Deals. The Auckland Mayor’s recent manifesto (Manifesto for Auckland) presents a plea for greater autonomy, and City Deals have been noted as a potential mechanism to support this.Such a call follows on from a review of local government which similarly proposed place-based agreements.

In a discussion note, we set out the opportunities and challenges presented by City Deals, reflecting on experiences in the UK and Australia.

We point to the following key issues that may confront policymakers in New Zealand if a deal-based approach is pursued:

  • Do deals fit within a national urban strategy and what is the spatial policy problem they seek to address.
  • What should the sequencing of dealmaking be; how should/will central government guide the dealmaking process.
  • Is dealmaking for infrastructure, primarily, or for a wider set of economic development concerns.
  • Are there sufficient local and national capacities to undertake dealmaking.
  • How/in what ways should stakeholder consultation feature through deal development.
  • What role is there for monitoring and evaluation.

Political decisions and upcoming electoral processes will likely shape whether or not deals emerge, however, the discussion note intends to add to the dialogue on the promises and pitfalls of City Deals.

Read the full discussion note, The prospect of City Deals in New Zealand (PDF).

More about the authors


First published: 28 September 2023